Can My Name Is Khan beat 3 Idiots or Ghajini?

Can My Name Is Khan beat 3 Idiots is the hottest topic of discussion around, both in the trade and Bollywood websites.

But the benchmark that Aamir Khan has set with his last two releases is so high that any film hoping to break those mind-numbing records would need the following

1) Huge Star – Which MNIK does have in Shahrukh Khan
2) Great content and word of mouth – Very important. All the initial reviews of MNIK, so far, are good.
3) Mass Appeal – Both Ghajini and 3 Idiots had tremendous mass appeal and did great business at Single Screens in smaller cities too. MNIK is unlikely to hold the same appeal.
4) Repeat Value – 3 Idiots had great repeat value, many watched it multiple times in theaters.
5) Ticket Prices – The hike in ticket prices helped 3 Idiots greatly, but unless the film is liked greatly, it could put off a certain section of the audience.

What do you think, can My Name Is Khan beat 3 Idiots?



  • Biggest hit for srk and srk’s best performance ever. Salute to srk performance and mnik. A great movie and must watch.

    u r rite the same situation in most of the cities in u.p. also MNIK is nt performing as it ws expected ppl r nt finding anythng new in the storyline. nd bussiness at single screens are worst.
    its a big FLOP. nW srk shud stop acting.

  • Guys, I saw this movie friday night show.. the viewers attendence was about 40%

    now here is my review:

    The movie has many pitfalls, some are listed below:

    1) Sharukh is shown suffering from disease, but his austin like acts are looking poorly imitative.. interistingly he is shown participating in functions, gives speech, does the routine works,etc .. very unconvincing, hard to beleive.

    2) Their son getting killed – is the worst ever picturisations.. its very violent to see the kids killing another in a soccer (football) playground.. and for no significant or strong reason .. ( director tries to convince, its because he is muslim, but its very poorly themed and picturised .. very bad really)

    3) He gives statements in Hindi to Americans present in a social gathering and they were singing and dancing afterwords (as if they have understood the ‘Hndi’ very well) .. its very unconvincing..

    4) Kajol is shown with terrorist alignments… which is very bad, since childrens and woments are least involved in terrorist activities… it was really not required to be shown in movie.

    5) Lastly, the sentence “My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist ” is repeated too many times.. you would struck with feeling, if the muslims are eally terrorists … another directorial failure.. it seems like director is trying to defend and protect this Khan only (you will loose interest as the message is not conveyed properly for all muslims)..

    This is very unfortunate to say that this highly hyped movie fails to deliver at every aspect.. the story seems to be revolving around 9/11 only, acting wise the stars have nothing to do but to narrate the story..

    The emothional quotient is temporary as the story treatment is poor and leaves no impact due to hard to beleive sequences/picturizations.

    This movie might only be liked by sharukh fans only, and others should skip this flic or may see it in fast forward mode from local dvd shop ..

    rating: strictly 2.5 out of 5

  • MNK cannot beat 3 idiots at any level. Already so many films made on this topics but only New york survive and Qurbaan was very big flop of 2009. Thats why it will be hit only and not going to beat 3 idiots. It is just another Love story of Sharukh khan. He does not want to leave this topic because of failure. Lets see what happened.

  • today (Sunday) special screening od MNIK who were suppose to visits guest like CM of maharashtra, sharukh, gauri and some other political parties has been cancelled due to bomb blast in Pune German Bakery and its also confirmed taht in pune most of the multiplex will be close for security reason just to avoid groupism of public as it is valentine day
    so today therer will not be huge collection for MNIK
    overall MNIk will be below avg

  • It really amazes me how every SRK fan drags Salman and Aamir into the discussion! Lol…people Salman is Salman! SRK is SRK and Aamir is Aamir. Different people! Different talents! Different behaviors! Washed out actor Salman (according to a lot of people) is the most searched Indian celebrity on the internet! An achievement for a supposed washed out actor! They are different and unique people in their own way who try to bring entertainment to us all and all we do is condemn, compare them and diss their movies! I love Salman not because of his movies but because of him and the way he helps people! He can’t be that bad! He is my best Indian actor and that is my opinion but some of my best hindi movies include Kal ho na ho, Kuch kuch hota hai and KG3 and I do not see Salman in any of those movies. People appreciate Salman, Aamir and SRK for who they are: People who are bringing entertainment to us all.

    Sallu and Aamir fans: Wish SRK luck and pls SRK fans give Salman and Aamir a break okay!

  • i hope mnik do good bussiness in its 1st weeknd.
    in india it will 30 cr and from overseas it will 20 cr
    overall ist weeknd around 50 cr worldwide.this is good for movie like mnik.
    i think overseas bussiness will more than 20 cr in its 1st weeknd.

    so all sing with me
    ” hum honge kamyab hum honge kamyab
    hym honge kamyab ekdin
    ho ho ho ho
    man hai wishwash poora hai wishwash hum honge kamyab ek din”

  • MNIK is an extraordinary film. SRK was simply awsome. What a film by Karan johar. Its his most matured and creative work till 2day. some scenes will never be forgotten by indian people. Srk-Kajol jodi once again strikes hard and they never looked so much cute before. Kajol was at her best. MNIK will break all records no doubt. 3 IDIOTS WAS ALSO AN OUTSTANDING FILM. BUT MY NAME IS KHAN GIVES YOU MORE THAN THAT. IT GRIPS YOU FROM START AND HAUNTS YOU FOR DAYS. ITS FOR ALL SEASON AND EVERY REASON. NO DOUBT KHAN HAS BEATEN 3 IDIOTS THIS TIME. SORRY AMIR BHAI. THIS TIME ITS SRK…ALL THE WAY. WHAT A FILM!!!

  • according to boi
    my name is khan collected 30 cr from india. which is exactly same as my above comment.
    so according to boi 1st week collection willa round 45-50 cr in india.
    so overall
    from india it will collect 45 cr and 30 cr from overseas.
    so ovearll worldwide collection around will be 75 cr. which is excellent.

  • My Name Is Khan Has Huge Opening

    Saturday 13th February 2010 09.00 IST
    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    My Name Is Khan opened to huge response with an opening of 90-100% at multiplexes. Single screens were in the 70-80% region. The film had release problems in Mumbai circuit but wherever it managed to get a screening there were huge crowds to see the film. The critics have given 4/5 stars but public reports are not at the same level. Reports are good but not outstanding like Three Idiots. Overall the film should emerge a winner and time will tell how big.

    Striker had dull first week with business under 1.25 crore nett. DISASTER

    Ishqiya sustained pretty well in week two with a 50% drop. The film did around 7 crore nett business for a two week total of 21 crore nett but with My Name Is Khan opening to such a huge response, Ishqiya may not be able to do much more business.

  • What Is The Most Likely Fate Of My Name Is Khan?

    Monday 15th Febuary 2010 09.00 IST
    Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network

    Q. What is the most likely fate of My Name Is Khan in India? Can it be a blockbuster?
    A. The film had release problems so its best to wait until the dust settles and see what happens over the weekdays. Blockbuster status may be difficult as it does not have all round appeal and is more likely to do better in urban centres.
    M Butt

  • A complete waste of time movie. MNIK is a commercial flick and it lacked direction. I was bored to death and was ready to walk out.

  • Hi every body,Nice website for movie review. This is the first time I am writing some inform. For all of your kind information I woul like to tell that I am a deep core Aamir Khan fan ( because he is the best) although I like SRK in many points and the fact is that 3 idiots is much more better movie than MNIK. MNIK will never be able to break the record of 3Idiots , not even closer although first weekend collection of MNIK is very good and hs broken all overseas record , it will not last long as beacuse of average mouth of word.

    There are some latest information s:

    Shah Rukh Khan-starrer My Name is Khan has earned gross revenues worldwide of Rs 90.2 crore, as per the data released by Fox Star India, which distributed the movie. In comparison, Aamir Khan’s top grosser, Three Idiots, reportedly earned Rs 90 crore in the first three days of its release.( (at 0045hrs, 16th Feb).

    on the other hand According to NDTV 15th february, Domestic weekend ( not for whole week) gross collection is 47 cr wheras 3idiots the gross was 33 cr and including the record breaking collection from overseas MNIK has set as a highest weekend grosser

    But thats all beacuse of average word of mouth it will not continue and I think it will be a average hit or may be good hit , not blockbuster. Good luck all SRK Fans!!!!

  • mnik jus got hyped up due to the chaos caused by a political party.
    most of the audience abroad thought that something has been shown against some religion or stuff like that which made them go out to see the movie.
    secondly films on 9/11 have become to boring .new york kurbaan mnik
    Mr. srk took the opportunity of the sena chaos to promote this film to which he may not agree then my question is why then you were promoting outside more rather than in india?
    ofcourse in india the sena was doing the promotional job………..
    3 idiots is an excellent movie ……not because its aamir khan’s movie but because we saw glimpses of our daily life in it. as for mnik no one see’s one’s life’s protrayal in it …. who gets a chance to go n meet the president and say mnik……….its bogus
    mnik will sink as the audience gets to know of the story about the film……..
    ther’s nothing new . infact srk himself is nonsense first he chose to behave like a king and said he would not apologise and as the film gets a controversial hit he tweets he’s sorry ……..srk there’s three letter word for u your name is sly……… and as for veer it did well in single screen theaters .its obvious isnt it srk is for classes where as salman is for masses

  • a garte movie,definetly every one should be watch. i hope no one miss this movie. bcz it contain very good msg.

    plus point of movie:1. sharukhan, kajol and karan.
    2. metured acting by my grate actor sharukhji
    3. super song as well as music.
    4. grate story line.

    minus point : calimax bit thrillless
    less song
    Need some More emmotion siquenses and thrilling part.
    any way definetly it beat all records of bolyywood. i hope it do so.infornt of our sharukhan every one is zero. other all khans are nonthing.
    bollywood means Badshan Khan. no other actor can have a such big fan club like king kahn. noone beat him its my cahlange.

  • this film has flopped big time like veer and im satisfied withe verdict.. thanx to all who dispised this shoddy effort of movie making.. it is a lesson to those who make such rubbish cinema to bore us

  • eh wat ever u all tell shahruk khan is just the formal “KING KHAN” but aamir khan is the “ASSLI KING KHAN!!!!!”
    AAmir u great awsome 3 idiots

    to watch the highest grossing bollywood films plz follow the link “”

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