Can My Name Is Khan beat 3 Idiots or Ghajini?

Can My Name Is Khan beat 3 Idiots is the hottest topic of discussion around, both in the trade and Bollywood websites.

But the benchmark that Aamir Khan has set with his last two releases is so high that any film hoping to break those mind-numbing records would need the following

1) Huge Star – Which MNIK does have in Shahrukh Khan
2) Great content and word of mouth – Very important. All the initial reviews of MNIK, so far, are good.
3) Mass Appeal – Both Ghajini and 3 Idiots had tremendous mass appeal and did great business at Single Screens in smaller cities too. MNIK is unlikely to hold the same appeal.
4) Repeat Value – 3 Idiots had great repeat value, many watched it multiple times in theaters.
5) Ticket Prices – The hike in ticket prices helped 3 Idiots greatly, but unless the film is liked greatly, it could put off a certain section of the audience.

What do you think, can My Name Is Khan beat 3 Idiots?



  • Afrid Khan
    r u fan of salman khan???
    if yes

    then getout from here becoz salman khan fans are not allowed here to talk somthing bad about srk. because salman khan’s fans are loosers.
    veer flop ho gayi to kya yahan kar rahr ho!

  • mid day
    taran adarsh

    all critics gave 4.5 star out of 5

    everynews channel, sires and nespaer are just btalking about mnik.

    everyone waiting for mnik.
    if you wanna loos then hate srk and mnik.

  • ADII how many times did u come to salmans page u ass hole but we are not like cause we are salman fans and we respect all btw srk is total flop and a damn liar

  • Adiii
    February 11th, 2010 at 11:33 am
    Afrid Khan
    r u fan of salman khan???

    yes 101 % sallu bhai fan and no need to advice better do you your own comments

    why you are not accepting the truth that srk can beat ghajni and 3 idiots of my fav actors amir khan record only in dreams ?

    and critics star can never make any film blockbuster if there stars work then eg of recent movie like ran

    should be the first hit of 2010 but happens everyone know that hit is too far it even not manage to reach average tag at box office .

  • mnik will beat 3idiots or ghajini record we will se tommrow………..

    but i think mnik can,t beat striker record also……………

    guys don,t go on critics review they all r paid see audience reaction, ok, nahi to u will get dissopintment like oso and rnbdj…………..

  • Shamry
    February 11th, 2010 at 11:46 am
    ADII how many times did u come to salmans page u ass hole but we are not like cause we are salman fans and we respect all btw srk is total flop and a damn liar

    +1 for your comments that never ends

    and adii understand this kind of words only b’coz he is fan of srk the one of the biggest rude kind of person
    in bollywood who doesnt respect any one always thinking in dreams that he is no 1

    bollywood kaa baadshaah

    but in real he is publicity kaa baadshaah

    adii be ready as you had done in veer comments page and that time i warned to all sallu haters
    that wait and watch what sallu fans will do in your fav star comments page
    and the time has come

    so be ready to face the reply of veer words yu made on veer comments page by making sallu bhai and veer let down which doesnt work

    but its time to reply for you word be ready

  • Afrid Khan
    if it will beat ghajini or 3 idiots records then what you do?
    and one more thing im not hatter of amir khan but i hate salman.
    so if compare srk and amir which is good but if you compare your loosser star to my megastar then i will abuse you so badly.

    Akash Change To Akki
    hey good yar! nice answer to me. welldone!!
    your the one of inteligent visitors of indicine like afridkhan and dipensen

    so , if every thing going to perfect for mnik.

    srk buy all crtics,medis and creates lots of controversy for promotion of mnik.
    good nwes is that movie is also appreciate by all around the world.

    jab khuda bhi srk ke sath hai to tum kya kar sakte ho srk ka.

  • Afrid Khan
    plz talk more bad about mnik, which makes u cool atleast you r hurt by veer failures. plz start abusing mnik and srk!!
    start yar! this my order. start buddy! say more bad about mnik and srk. this my order to you. faloow my order.

  • adii accept the truth dont get jeaolus from veer of bollywood salman khan

    veer verdict is still awaited and it is already declared hit in some teritories

    planet bollywood

    EROS International and Vijay Galani Moviez’s `Veer` did well initially in spite of bad reviews

    Veer Verdict: Awaited

    Weekly Earnings: India Rs. 33 crore ; UK£39,822; US$ 92,336 Total Earnings: India Rs. 33 crore ; UK £254,971; US$499,685

    PB Rating: 7.0 out of 10 Public Rating (by 536 unique users): 7.41

    EROS International and Vijay Galani Moviez’s `Veer` did well initially in spite of bad reviews. Although EROS is likely to lose, some of the distributors of the Salman-Zarine starrer will earn commission due to their reasonable price. The film is so-so in the Overseas but somewhat better in the US.

    and you know exactly teh opposite news will comes against mnik if you dont stop fake publicity of mnik

    what will be the words that ”

    fox International and dharma production and red chillies film ”mnik”did not do well initially in spite of good reviews by 65% impure critics like taran adarsh and by fake publicity from srk the original publicity kaa baadshaah not bollywood kaa

    so, stop hatred against sallu bhai otherwise you have to face hard word from me for you srk even if i dont want to

    chill mnik will atleast get the tag of average b’coz it has co – producer srk fake publicity kaa baadshaah behind it ok

  • adii get soon well and come out from dreams of yours

    that we will follow your orders ….yaa i know its your false dream that we are following your orders ….chill

    just like your fav star srk always leaving in false dream and saying that he is bolwood kaa baadshaah

    but in real all knows that true bollywood kaa baadshaah is amir khan with blockbuster line up in last two decades with both critically and commercially success of his film followed by him veer of bolywood salman khan who had 65% opposition in film industry but he is true warrior of bollywood for his deseved status .

    chill adii

    we are here just b’coz till yet i observed indicine a good bollywood site and amongst my 35% pure critics and

    we just write comment on indicine page not on you scraps or etc or you community

    so all izz well for us and indicine dont we need your advice till then chill adii

  • Afrid Khan
    ok mnik will do avrage bussiness and srk is publicity ka badshah.

    but i wanna see yor comment after 1st friday of mnik.
    u like amir and like too . so amir and srk for me in a same boat.
    and salman khan swimming in the dead sea but unfortunately he doesnt know swim. atlast he will dip in dead sea.

  • Bad news for srk fans

    Shivsena banned mnik screening in Maharashtra .

    Box office par sirf police hi police hai koi audience nahi .

    Total 300 screens in Maharashtra . So big loss for mnik or bcoz of this big loss mnik will be declared as a flop in 1st week . best of luck

  • I am quite confident that mnik will break records of 3idiots and Gajni. So wait and see. Its srk if sina banned the movie. But we are srk fans we can’t be stopped and we are brave fans of brave srk. We are not coward like Sinha. Love u srk. Jab khuda srk k saath hai to phir kis cheeze ka dar. Love u srk.

  • can any one guess my rating ecept Hina…. because she knows every thing.
    Depin i dont care that movie will release in maharashtra or not because i hv already watch it today.

  • Just one day to go for the release of My Name Is Khan and Shahrukh Khan is everywhere. The man became the first Bollywood star to feature on the international magazine Esquire.

  • MNIK is really good movie and u will love it too.
    what u have openion about my name is khan movie is not like that it is really diffrent movie.

  • Indicine y ru making these SRk fans to dream in daytime not good
    have u heard “cycle moving faster than flight”
    impossible same way
    try to catch
    dilip wat abt u

  • BAJRANG DALA (similar to Shiv sena) threatened to disrupt the screening of My Name Is Khan in Orissa

    Shahrukh Khan’s film My Name is Khan is akin to controversy. First, it was the Shiv Sena, who threatened to ban the film, then joined the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and now Orissa unit of the Bajrang Dal.

    Orissa unit of the Bajrang Dal has threatened to disrupt the screening of My Name is Khan in the state if Shahrukh fails to offer apology for supporting the inclusion of the Pakistani cricketers in the IPL.

    Subash Chouhan, national co-convenor of the Bajrang Dal, said that they would not allow the screening of My Name is Khan in the state unless Shahrukh apologise for his comments. He added that the actor acted like an agent to Pakistan by raising his voice for the cause of its cricketers.

  • Box Office: MNIK advance bookings: Better than Karan Johar’s Qurbaan, but down from top
    Thursday, February 11, 2010

    My Name is Khan’s box office bookings are good in multiplexes in muslim heavy regions (Delhi, Hyderabad, parts of Bombay where it may open) and not so good outside. Claims of a 80% advance booking across India are hallucination as in some theaters, bookings are not even 8% forget 80%. Distribution and their PR reps at theaters are painting a far rosier picture in the media than it actually is. But it may not be necessarily a disaster like Kurbaan either, which it will be recalled was too a Karan Johar movie made on a similar theme of a muslim man with Hindu wife thrown in to boot in US after 9/11 (starring a Khan, Saif Khan and Kareena Kapoor). On average the advance is about 25%, with best slottings in metros like Hyderabad and Delhi, which have high muslim populations. Parts of Mumbai city which have this demographic have a similar pattern. In Kolkata the bookings at multiplexes like Fame at Highland park are in the 20% range even as tons of screenings are being conducted. The morning show is booked at 85%, ostensibly by people looking to make a statement, while rest of the 15 shows are currently booked at 5%. In interiors the response is poor, though again in some places the polarized demographic turrnout will see 80% in some theaters, 5% in others. The film has almost 40% dialogues in English and is set in US. This is why a clean release in Maharashtra is critical for MNIK’s survival. The current benchmark holder, 3 Idiots generated almost 70 crores of its 180-190 crore national net off Bombay territory.

  • MNIK will do great overseas. However, it will never break either 3 idiots, nor Gajini records. The movie is very serious and need not attract teenagers. I can’t wait to watch it.

  • Box Office: MNIK advance bookings: Better than Karan Johar’s Qurbaan, but down from top
    Thursday, February 11, 2010

    The 100 crore billed MNIK is going up against a current record of 3 Idiots but it will be nearly impossible to generate the same universal response for My Name is Khan than for 3I because of the already communal polarization. While helping it get increased collections from muslim influenced stations, it may not be able to compensate from the losses from the Hindu dominant ones, the center-right wing of which numbers atleast 300 million in population in the country and is positioned largely in the Hindi speaking bollywood markets as compared to minor ones like say a Madras down south.

    The chances of MNIK breaking collection records in Bombay or India at large are therefore extremely unlikely since without the mainstream Hindus at sizeable levels, it virtually can’t be done.

    Overseas is a slightly difference case. The US/UK so called NRI market is actually heavy with muslims from Pakistan and other muslim countries. The political leanings in the segment tend to be more along MNI Khan’s ideological tilt so it is possible in US/UK the film may get the records.

    However there too, especially in USA which has a heavy Gujarati population, it is doubtful if that won’t impact it a bit as well. Earlier the film was supposed to release in 200 screens in USA, but given the lack of interest from the non-ethnic (ie regular American) crowd, the actual number has come down to about 120. 3 Idiots’ US opening record is about $1.7 million off 119 screens.

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