Singh Is King Box Office Collections

Also Read – Top 5 Actors in Bollywood – Box office battle

Singh Is King released world wide today and the Akshay Kumar movie is off to a historic opening at the box-office. The preview shows across the country were houseful. Shows for the entire weekend are sold out. In North India, its tough to get tickets for the movie at single screens or Multiplexes.

A few multiplexes are showing only Singh is King across all screens. The movie which releases on more than 1000 prints in India looks set to beat the opening week records set by Shahrukh Khan’s Om Shanti Om and Hrithik Roshan’s Dhoom 2.

With a budget of 50 crores and more spent on marketing, Singh is King needs atleast 58 crores+ to be a hit. The craze and hype will ensure 40+ crores in Week 1, how the movie performs in the second week will be the key. Most movies released on such huge number of prints crash in the second week, but with Singh is King even a 50% – 55% crash shouldnt affect its box-office outcome.

Also Read – Top 5 Actors in Bollywood – Box office battle

The craze in Pakistan is unbelievable. Most shows are sold out, it will most certainly go on to become one of the biggest blockbusters of all time.

In UK, the preview shows were sold out.. The craze for the film has to be seen to be believed. Akshay Kumar is a big star in UK and the movie is set to beat some serious box-office records. The numbers will be out by Tuesday morning (IST). So stay tuned.

Going by the initial reports our Box office Collections Prediction for Singh is King in India

Week 1 – 46 crores
Week 2 – 21 crores
Week 3 – 11 crores
Rest of the weeks – 10 crores

Total : Around 88 – 90 crores. (Superhit – Blockbuster)

So the question is, can Singh Is King beat the overall Nett Gross of blockbusters like Dhoom 2 and Om Shanti Om? If Singh Is King goes on to exceed the intial prediction, does it mean he has beaten SRK in the numbers game?

What do you think? Post your comments below..

More updates on the box-office soon.



  • According to the trade.. These are the Top 4 stars in Bollywood, rest of the are way down.

    1. Shahrukh Khan and Akshay Kumar – Akshay Kumar has a slight edge.. But all will depend on Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. If that does great better than Singh Is King, SRK is the top star. If its opening is slightly below Singh is King, Akki would top, SRK would be second. But god forbid if Rab Ne flops, SRK would go down to third. Akshay and Hrithik would be No 1 and 2 respectively.

    3. Hrithik Roshan – He has been very consistent so far post Koi Mil Gaya. Krrish, Dhoom 2, Jodha Akbar have all been Sueprhit – Blockbusters. His average gross per movie is higher than both Akshay Kumar and SRK. But he looses out because he doesnt do more than a movie per year. But still he is about 8 years younger than the other 3. Great future.

    4. Aamir Khan – His movies do well in big cities but not very consistent in the interiors. But for Quality he is the undisuputed King.

    To add to Raj’s post.. Hrithik was at the top for 3 years. In 2000 (KNPH), 2003 (Koi Mil Gaya), Dhoom 2 and Krrish (2006)

  • in response to fathiya and indicine teams comments.

    you are wrong. hrithik was never no.1…he has been on par with superstars like salman khan and aamir khan, but never no.1.

    you need to understand that hrithik gave only 1 hit with his debut film KNPH. he most definately did not become a superstar with just 1 film. it was all hyped up. after that for the next few years, his films flopped one after another, (except for K3G which was a hit solely due to the shah rukh/kajol pairing), until HIS DAD RESCUED HIM WITH KOI MIL GAYA.

    so how can you say hrithik was on top ? when was he on top ??

    it is only recently, since 2006 that he has given a few big hits. but not on his own. his films have been hits due to help of others. for example: dhoom 2 was already a hit before release due to its brand name. and the fact that it had several big stars in it ensured that it would be a big hit.
    krrish was a hit because of hrithiks fathers awesome direction. if any other person directed it, it would not have been such a big hit. jodha akbar is the only film that hrithik can claim a stake to, as a hit due solely on hrithiks merits.

    so where did you get the idea that hrithik was on top or even close to no.1 ? he hasn’t. as far as the truth goes, he was all hyped up. he has only given 2 genuine solo hits – KANH and jodha akbar which was solely due to him. admit, he can act well at times, but he has never been even close to no.2 let alone no.1.!!
    he has been in the reckoning only since the past 2 years, but although an actor in demand, not really a superstar as such. he really comes below aamir and salman. still he his better than most of the other actors in bollywood, but clearly not on top of the 3 khans or akshay kumar.

    hrithik roshan has never been no.2. he is on top now, but only about no.5.

    so please, do not consider hrithik to be no.1 or even no.2. he has done nothing to deserve it. like i said he has only given 2 genuine solo hits solely on his merits. so why should he be on top ?

    akshay kumar has given solo hits for the past 4 years or more, solely on his merits.

    please do not include hrithik in our discussions. he is way below aamir and salman. at the moment, as far as iam concerned the list is as follows, and it is the correct list~:

    1. akshay kumar

    2. shah rukh khan

    3. aamir khan

    4. hrithik roshan

    5. salman khan

    so as you can see, hrithik is not even no.2, although he is in the top 5 and in demand actor. my previous message listed the no.1 actors since amitabh bhachan , and that is a correct list. you will see hrithik was no where near to no.1. although he was a top actor.

    until next time………

  • Bollywood rating is today : –
    1- Akshay Kumar
    2- Akshay kumar
    3- Srk
    4- Amir khan
    5- Hrithik Roshan
    6- Salman Khan
    7- Shahid Kapoor
    8- Ranbir Kapoor
    9- Anil Kapoor
    10- Saif ali khan
    Note :- Amitabh Bachan is better than this bollywood likst 1 to 10. He is legend in bollywood (All Time hit)
    My Personal choice is ( Nas-deen shah ) All time best actor of bollywood .
    Aishwra Rai is best Actress of billywood. She is so beautiful and smart .

  • Jujhar Singh: this is 2nd time u r submitting your message, relax, cool down brother, we must (all) love each other even if we belong to different religions. Let me give u an example, u r a Sikh and suppose u r not an abbusive, a very good man who likes “peace” but what if your goverment or your people attacked some muslims or hindu and killed them, raped their women, abbused their children and u could do nothing about it? What would u feel if someone sent u the same message ( as u r sending now) and blamed u for the attack and u did nothing to harm anyone? So u r attacking people here who did nothing, didn’t kill your people. U must send your message to the right people, to the government or to the people who planned for it and not to some commentators on some movies!!

  • List of Flop Movies done by shahrukh khan…………

    1. Dil se

    2. Phir bhi dil hain hindustani

    3. Paheli

    4. Don

    5.Kabhi haan Kabhi naa

    6. Anjaam

    7. Dupilcate

    8. King Uncle

    9. Koyala

    10. Badshah

    11. Ashoka

    12. Hey ram

    13. One two ka four

    14. Trimurti

    15. Hum Tumhare hai sanam

    16. Ram Jaane

    17. Maya

    18. Josh

    19. Chahat

    20. Jamana Deewana


  • the fire still burns in our hearts against hindus and for your kind information the khlistan movement is still happening in lots of counteries as the most of the khalistanis stay in america, canada, europe,. if u wanna see all this go to YOU TUBE and put khalistan OR put “hindus killing sikhs ” OR “HINDU Terrerism”. thanx.

  • I do understand your feeling, if I were u, I would’ve felt the same, but if this was happening in my country, watching bad people attack innocent people and kill them, I’d take my pestol, swords towards them and kill them back, but I won’t attak the people who’re standing next to me and did nothing! or people who are sitting at their home and watching t.v. ’cause they might be very good and peacful people. That’s my point.

    And I will watch these videso but I don’t need to do so ’cause this happens everywhere, between Arab and Jews, in Iraq, many countries in this world and no one could do anything or stop those criminals who just deserve to be vanished from this world that we make this world a better place.

  • *edited*

    Some good movies were (flop) were below average ’cause of your ( BAD TASTE FOR MOVIES). Your people sometimes love some meaningless and crappy movies so they win at the box office! and 50% of the movies which u mentioned were very good movies, I loved them specially “Dil Se” my favourite movie for SRK which I saw ( 7 times) and “Asoka” 5 times.

    And Paheli, Anjaam & Koyla were good movies.

    Brainless people only (evaluate) movies according to the box office. The most Hindi movie in our country Bahrain which really does well at the box office and the movie continues for almost a month is (Rajanikanth movies!!!) So why?!! Because of audience’s bad taste, loving a dishong dishong crappy movies which made for shallow & brainless people to love them!!

  • Hey Nanak Dev and Allah. I am also agree with you. You are the only one Comment Writer here in this website. I think you are a graduate Professor who has a complete knowledge about politics , history and religion. I also read the book „Nathan the Wise“. And I think this is a good book for the people who don´t know about religion and god. THANK YOU VERY MUCH Nanak Dev and Allah. And please comment also in the future. Because I think we need intellectual people like you in this website and world. SALAM NANAK DEV AND ALLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOD AND ALLAH BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jujhar Singh: As your frined mentioned ( Bin Laden) who’s a muslim too but by name ( an idiot who no nothing about Islam and thought if he’d kill 3 thousand people, innocent employees working at the twin tower) then he’d satisfy his (God!!) 3 thousand people, how many women became widows, how many children became orphans, all because of an idiot man who won ( nothing) after that!!

    He was just an idiot, and muslim (round the world) suffered ’cause of what he did because western people never liked Arab and he just did what made western people dislike Arab more and consider them (terrorists).

    So.. I’m a muslim too. Do I have to be blamed by what some other muslims do e.g. this stupid Bin Laden did whatever he did and ruined all muslim’s image?!! You have to think deeply. If u hurt your son or your daughter, can anyone blame your wife, their mother for that?!

  • Fathiya: I am totally agree with you. Fathiya you are also a intellectual like Nanak Dev and Allah . God bless you!!!!!!!!!!

  • This is an average movie, but I am sure that every sardar will want to see this over-hyped movie.

    The screenplay is awful, great acting by Akshay. Katrina Kaif lacks acting skills. She has a smile that can take your breath away and a beautiful looks. She lacks acting skills and this is something she needs to work on.

  • I think u r a coward Punajbi and not a sher?! Why did u write your words in Hindi?! I do understand Hindi but not 100%. And please.. don’t call Shahrukh (Saala) u have said this many times. Shahrukh didn’t harm u or your family to show this much of hate for him!! And Akshay Kumar is not your brother or your cousin that u want every one to love him so dearly as u do! We have the right here to express our feeling and our opinion about any movie or actors, so if u don’t like it, just bang your head 10 times to the wall!!

    SHAHRUKH IS THE BEST.. SHAHRUKH IS THE BEST.. SHAHRUKH IS THE BEST.. AND HE WILL REMAIN ( THE BEST) Shahrukh’s movies satisfy ladies, girls only and his movies never satisfy men in this world.. do u know why? because men r heartless, can’t be romantic ( they’re materialistic, when they enter their home they just think what to eat and a woman to please them in bed, that’s what they think of day and night) they just have to act as romantic, they no nothing in love, don’t know how to treat their women, and shahrukh portrays how men should be, therefore, men don’t like him and don’t like his movies but girls r crazy for him. Shahrukh is an ideal, every women’s dream prince and he will remain whether u liked it or not.

    So Penjabi Sher, go into the woods of your country and roar like (sher) women never admire such a man, but admire men with brain!

    I know I irritate u and that’s because u started, saying bad words which I was really disgusted, so u deserve from me what I said now.

  • Hey! Fathiya mind your language. This is a website not you home. SRK time has gone. He is not more King of Bollywood. SRK is now 43 or 44. His time has gone . Now is time for Akshay Kumar, Nil Nitin Mukesh, Ranbir Kapoor, Abhishek Bachchan, Imran Khan, Darshil and so on. And don´t use this bloody language othewise I have to say the INDICINE TEAM to throw out of this website.

  • Indicine Team: Why didn’t u ask this this guy to mind his language and u know what he did write on this website?!! And u said that u have edited, deleted some comments, but they’re back again, on this page!

  • And yes.. I will quit from this page as most of the commentators are men ( unfortunately I didn’t notice this before and just now while scrolling up and down) so be happy friends, I didn’t find any lady writing for the past 10 days. So let it be.. this page belongs to you all penjabi guys, and (congratulatios for Akshay Kumar, to be the King of Penjab!)

  • Akki is a talented actor, each film he is different, Fathiyo before saying Akki hasn’t done tough, ok lets see the list of characters he has done

    A Punjab in Singh Is Kingh, see how he gets his accent, mannerism and body language right as a Punjabi, and brilaliant dialogue delivery and comic timing
    War film Ab Tuare Waatan Saathiyo, now watch the performance of Akshay as an Army General and dialogue delivery, totally different in mannerism, the film did not do well because of political reasons.
    A Blind man in Aankhein, India’s first Bank robbery film, and its original
    A Pyscotic obssseive Love Professor of Sangharsh, a remake of Oscar winning Hollywood film The Silence of Lamb, akshay’s performance was highly appreciated.
    A Intelligent Villain in Ajnabee
    Cop movies: Well Akki has many and he is ace when it comes to playing a copper
    Jaanwaar, a criminal who turns into a good human being, another great tough acting performance by Akshay, he plays two characters in this film.
    Romantic role, Dhadkan, a different romantic type film, aother good performance.
    A Psychiatrist in Bhool Bhuliya.
    A Spoilt son in Waqt, also watch out for akki’s tandav dance performance with supurb emotions, me thinks Akki is 10 times better than Hirthik in dance, can hirthik do classical dances.
    Another good suspense film Khiladi
    A Geek in Jaaneman
    A Thief in Hera Pheri, Akki’s comic timing was brilliant

    Now watch all these film Fathiya and analyse Akki’s performance and how different he plays these characters, this isn’t the same case with Sharukh who has the same style and mannerism in each of his film.

  • Dear Indicine Team,

    I dont think Fathiya needs to mind her language! If anything, she has taken all critisims in the right spirit, infact I think she is the only person who has been truly sticking to the subject of this forum i.e writing comments on the movies.

    I think it is totally unfair that everyone here is cornering Fathiya!! There are millions of guys in this forum who have only abused and abused and abused and returned back to further abuse!!! what have you done about them??????

  • lets stick to singh is king please. no nonsense or abusive language. the world is full of bad and ignorant people. one has to be objective about things.

    iam still waiting for responses to my last comments that hrithik roshan was never even close to no.1, so people should not consider him in the top league of actors. he has always been around the no.5 position or way below.

    like snoop dogg says – ”singh is kinng, this is the thing !!”

    one of my favourite shah rukh khan movies is ‘kabhi haan kabhi naan’.

    that was a beautiful movie, very simple, innocent and meaningful. conveyed strong messages. although it did not do well at the time, i suggest everyone watch it now. you will see what i mean – you will love it.
    the film was way ahead of its time, and people never understood it when it was released. if you watch it now, you will like it.

    so please watch it and let me know. the film protrays everything that is good in life.

  • Indincine Team: U r not fair.. u asked me to mind my language and u r not asking this guy (Penjabi Sher) to stop pointing at me!! many people wrote, under the review of the movie that they didn’t like SIK, so why this guy closes his eyes and pickup only on me although i liked the movie!! yes, I admit that before watching the full movie in cinema I wrote some negative comments as I thought the movie wasn’t so good, but after watching it, I wrote some positive comments ( but obviously, this guy didn’t read it!) And he exceeded his limits before few days and said dirty words, he doesn’t want to stop his abusive words.. so excuse me.. I’ve to reply as he wrote today some more lines:

    You.. stupid sher.. don’t u want to stop it?!! I’m not 70 or 80 years old.. I said this to Sachin that he stops his comments about me.

    And.. I enjoyed Singh is Kinng but obviously u r (blind) and didn’t read my comments on this page! ( and FYI, when I started respecting penjabi people, but (u and sachine) gave me a bad impression about penjabi people, therefore, I changed my mind about them!)

    So take some more words from me.. u have (no right) to talk about Shahrukh Khan this way.. I’m sure that u r an ugly guy who never shave your beard and moustache and never clean under your arms!

    I’m sure that u stink, and definetly u r a drak man too. Yes.. Shahrukh isn’t fair but he’s the most attractive man in this world ( he’s clean, elegent, smart & attractive) he’s the sexiest man alive.. girls (love him so dearly) girls are attracted to him as he is gifted, this man is God’s creation (God loves him) therefore, God gave him what he didn’t give u.. u r just a jealous (sher) who never want to stop roaring!!
    And.. Akshay Kumar isn’t that good looking (he was) in the past, now he got a different look and this idiot (Abdulla) who mentioned Akshay’s name with Neil, Ranbir & Imran!!! Akshay is also around 40 or above, might be also older than Shahrukh Khan.

    Penjabi Sher: Just go to the review of the movie and read many negative comments about SIK, and (roar) there with other commentators…and… JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. OK..

    U Name it: Thanks for standing by my side.

  • I do think Akki looked the best and athletic in his 90s days, but he still looks good for a 40+ man. Fathiya the reason you think SIK is rubbish is because you dont know the Punjabi language, Akki was trying to come accross the character, acting as A Punjabi, getting the dialect right with dialogue delivery isn’t easy, you just jealous because Sharukh cannot carry these kinds of role of, Sharukh did play a punjabi but he didn’t act it as 95% he was speaking in Hindi. Anyway have taken note of the list of characters Akki has done in the past.




  • Fathiya for Punjabi’s, and Pakistani’s its a special film, thats because they can relate the humour and lnguage to the movie, just like foreigners dont understand hindi cinema, you dont understand punjabi.

  • Ok.. fine.. for you all it’s a special movie.. but please.. don’t say anything bad about Shahrukh Khan!! he is a great human being.. everyone like him because he got the inner and the outer beauty. He loves his wife, his children and got a good reputation. I never heard anything bad about Shahrukh for the past 15 years, and in our country Bahrain, Bahraini people, even Arab people who don’t watch indian movies know no one in bollywood except SHAHRUKH KHAN as he is very popular, but Akshay is not.

    Akshay did some good movies but it will take him years to be recognized internationally. The most famous Indian stars globally are: Aishwariya Rai, Shahrukh Khan & Amitab Pachan only.

    I wish Akshay Kumar the best of luck as he’s one of the top bollywood actors now and that he’ll be gradually popular internationally and join the 3 mentioned above.

  • Fathiya,

    This comment – “Fathiya: mind your language.”

    It was not by us, and it has been deleted! Thanks

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