Both Jab Tak Hai Jaan and Son Of Sardar continued their good run at the domestic box office. In 10 days (first week extended week) the combined total of both the Diwali releases was 181.66 crore.
Both films remained steady in second Friday, although Son Of Sardar had bigger drops on Wednesday and Thursday. Jab Tak Hai Jaan crossed the 100 crore mark on it’s 11th day, while SOS is likely to join the 100 crore club by the end of Week 2.
Detailed 11 day day wise collections of SOS and JTHJ below.
JTHJ Box Office Collections – 11 days
- Tuesday – 15.23 crore
- Wednesday – 19.54 crore (28% growth)
- Thursday – 14.45 crore (26% drop)
- Friday – 11.17 crore (22% drop)
- Saturday – 10.38 crore (7% drop)
- Sunday – 9.96 crore (4% drop)
- Monday – 5.36 crore (46% drop)
- Tuesday – 4.66 crore (13% drop)
- Wednesday – 4.12 crore (11% drop)
- Thursday – 3.54 crore (14% drop)
- Friday – 3 crore (approx)
- Total – 101.41 crore (actuals for 10 day extended week 98.41 crore)
SOS Box Office Collections – 11 days
- Tuesday – 10.72 crore
- Wednesday – 16.21 crore (51% growth)
- Thursday – 12.22 crore (25% drop)
- Friday – 10.12 crore (17% drop)
- Saturday – 8.5 crore (16% drop)
- Sunday – 8.25 crore (2% drop)
- Monday – 5.51 crore (33% drop)
- Tuesday – 4.82 crore (12% drop)
- Wednesday – 3.88 crore (19% drop)
- Thursday – 3.02 crore (22% drop)
- Friday – 2.75 crore (approx)
- Total – 86 crore (actuals for 10 day extended week 83.25 crore)
also i am overexited to see yet another srk film get rejected by people
you not need to check wrong info. tell your friends and get out of here
srk is a self called bollywood king ………no one believe this…..era of srk gone…era of romance gone…hahaha
nah people didn’t rejected it. Otherwise it would be a flop. it already got a superhit mark. if not , than it will get very soon
yes i take responsibilty to see which site give wrong baseless info and promote srk last 20 yrs…hahaha……..
no it did not get any get status after 2 nd week
if era of srk would have gone, than why all of you guys still comparing srk with everyone and not salman with everyone. its simple. u too very well know that srk is the king, the only problem is u don’t wanna accept and i m sure u will never be and the fighting will continue……….
becuase srk is self called king of bollywood
really srk is the king..really really..hahaha…..he becomes joke after jthj
biggest joke of this year jthl get superhit status….hahaha…who give this …filmfare…hahahaha………it will get average status……not hit
it didn’t answer my question.
biggest joke of this year jthj get superhit status….hahaha…who give this …filmfare or srk ..or media……hahahaha………it will get average status……not hit
dewali ne bhi srk ko khali hat de diya is bar…hahaha……….god plz save srk…
srk ab tera kya hoga???????????????
suman,i think u gone mad by the success of srk. that’s why u r always laughing. and yet u didn’t answered me. why u all srk hater are still comparing srk with every other, why not salman or amir. is it due to the fact that u all believe that srk is the biggest star of bollywood and u don’t like it. ? seems like that from all of your behaviours
@ suman…haterz like u can only dream that srk movies will flop!….ha,ha,ha,ha
i already answer you he is the only hero who call himself king of bollywood….others dont…….
@king…we dont only happen in reality….if you have any confusion…
suman are u completely lost your mind and got admitted in some mental hospital.
yes we are going mad not by seeing his success ..see his faliure
no srk need some mental check up …we are happy to see another srk movie crash at the boxoffice….reject by people..accpet only by some die heart fan
bollywood ab sirf tin hero ke liya chal ti hay..salman khan…ranbir kapoor and hrithik roshan
are u suman
Folks,king is prefix for srk only…stop calling real king to someone else…grow up and find other title for salman…lol
@srk fan. get Ur eye check up or brain scanned.
movie collects 100 plus CRORE in India and another 100 CROREs abroad and u say SRK Movie crashed. need to applaud Ur sense of humour.
producer dont see how much it collected wroldwide.. see only india collection……… any mediocre film collect 100 cr it did not matter…even ra one collect 115 cr ..
91 crore nett in 10 daysM its official fig now,
Srk fans go start farting from your mouth :D
this collect only 93 cr after 11 day …who say this collecxt 100 cr..plz see most reliable site boxofficeindia……………..
@srk fan. ya ya any mediocre film ll collect 100 CROREs. so WY don’t u make Ur own movie and see how much it collects. 1 paise or half a paise. sorry that’s WY SALMAN movies collected more than 100 CROREs(cause they r MEDIOCRE MOVIE S)) VERY WELL SAID
From 1992 to 2012…There was the king…there is the king….The king is SRK……Salmaan is child a head of SRK…