India’s cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Actors John Abraham and Nargis Fakhri were seen shooting for Reebok commercials on Wednesday. The shoot took place days before MS Dhoni leaves to the U.A.E to play for the upcoming season of Indian Premiere League.
Riding high on the success of her latest release ‘Main Tera Hero’, Nargis Fakhri looks super hot posing for the cameras with the Mumbai skyline in the background.
John, who recently married Priya Runchal, was pitted against Dhoni for the fitness commercial.
Check out all the photos that we managed to click!
Nargis looking nice
so for all these , she has time to spend. for shaukeen remake, she made some stupid excuses of hollywood project. where is it?? such double-faced pathetic actress!!
Hope MS knocks John out n saves us all from his torturous acting in future.
Oh please- what success has she garnered from her last film…? she did nothing. IMO Nargis can ride her candy ass outta here for all I care as she cant act or do anything else for that matter n is preventing talented up n coming actresses from getting a break in Bollywood.