Salman Khan’s KICK has collected Rs 14.5 – 15 crore on its first Thursday at the domestic box office, as per early estimates.
KICK has recorded the second highest first week collections after Dhoom 3 (Hindi only)
KICK First Week Collections
- Friday - 26.52 cr
- Saturday - 27.15 cr
- Sunday - 30.18 cr
- Monday - 14.41 cr
- Tuesday – 28.89 cr
- Wednesday – 21.66 cr
- Thursday – 14.5 cr
- Total – 163.31 cr
Verdict – Blockbuster
@hrithik If ‘sachin11’ is my brother from another lifetime then you are the friend I should have gone to college with… would have been good to learn with as you speak with so much conviction…! I missed you buddy but seen your comments in alot of articles so glad to see you active again on a full time basis… PS Just need to see ‘aks’ come back n it will be like the good old days again…
Too much fun in the months ahead- teesra khan needs to come back in a big way but it will be irrelevant as we all know the year will belong to both the Big 2 Khans- PK looks a sure shot winner all the way…!
Those three musketers must be finding a place to hide low for the foreseeable future- my bet is that they are in Paglapur n wont resurface until pre Diwali giving prophecies of Doom about records will be broken by Teesra Khan with his Teesra Maar Khan Director n Joker Hubbys mixup version of Players meets Joker rebranded as “Sarkars 11 Jokers New Years CON at Diwali”
@vikram kaise ho mere azeem dost!? tu rehne de bhai.. Chennai chug chug has been derailed by Bhai’s one KICK..anymore whatever you say here is totally negligible just like your companions @Sakhi, @megha aunty and @shroti were saying..better find a shouchalaya to save :P
@vikram, exhibitors have given more screen to Kick than ce because they know Salman is bigger star than Srk, exhibitors hav faith on salman unlike ur king.
Also people are watching Kick with higher ticket price than ce because they know salman is better actor than ur king.
And its u who mentioned boi first.
@indicine, kick collected 15.5cr net on thursday, 1.5cr more than dhoom3, which is a all time record…. Plz post it.
Kick will well reach Rs. 250 Cr. 1st Rs.200 Cr. for bhaiJann.
MNIK Budgt 60Cr Colectn 72Cr- Hit
Ra.1 Budgt 175Cr Colectn 114Cr- Hit
Don2 Budgt 110Cr Colectn 106Cr- Hit
JaiHo Budgt 60Cr Colectn 112Cr- Flop
Isse kya pata chalta he ?
While @Nipun baby’s Rohit has nothing except Baba Roshan’s manapulated one ( Krish 3)
Congrats to all Salman fans :)
Before Release, predictions were 300 cr +
Now, they are happy with 200+ .
Even Indicine was expecting 300cr at the release day…
Why will hro cry? ? ? He is not in the shitty no.1 race of superstars. HR,amir are always beyond it. Salmanfans like @lyrics,@hari,@doctor etc’s minds are full of negative thoughts. May be continous watching of salman’s films have lowered their brain.
being a salman fan, I agree that the story of Kick was not that strong…not a superlative lady lead…but i have to commend the star power of bhaijan that he pulled up strongly…he is the power that can pull everything…this is salmania…everyone should undersatnad this irrespective of aligning to any star…salman is salman….star of masses..bhaijan
@Nipin..haven’t you read Bhai’s interview about SRK today!? He has said that King suits only to SRK and he(Bhai) is misplaced and is least bothered about it…i fully agree with you that Aamir Sir and Duggu are way beyond others..slowly Bhai will join this league as well..
Also since you are a kid, I know there’s that rush of blood in chillmax and appreciate everybody’s work. :)
@Navin and @hrithik..I have been on this site for the last few yrs now, started commenting only few months back.. I consider you guys to be my motivators here who help me in one way to take on Bhai and Aamir Sir haters like @sss and @chikrum..@Navin, you are my bade bhaiya..@hrithik my chote bhaiya and @sachin11 my buddy..lets rock on this site and bash some idiots who undermine the achievements and hard work of our fav actors.. ROCK ON!!!! :)
@salmaan, what pogo star bhai, brother of bheem had in last decade? Do i tell u? Who has 2nd most no. Of flop movies? He had tag of failure, jai ho baba pogo bhai ki…
think twice baby b4 say anythng for Hrithik..
It is a blockbuster movie !! hope it can break d3 record its really tough for it now
Thank you @navin & @sid_original. I am delighted to have you guys on Indicine. Keep rocking !!!!!!!!!!
Wow. Salmania is ruling all over the bollywood. Kick is setting for huge liftime total it will sure to touch 230 cr in every possible way. I am talking about Boi figure. So Salman has proved again that he has immense fan following. He is way ahead in domestic stardom, in same way srk had huge following in overseas than any other star. @pick rum we got a news from our beloved khabari complan boy @sss that srk took decision to leave earth and will go to other planet where he had 3.7 billion fans to who he will release Raees first look on original new year day i.e 1st jan 2015, and he also thinks to not release hny here are he will take all prints together him in that planet where hny will collect 935 billion. Thought complan boy suggested him to release fan poster on that day but srk replied “you will remain only a fan but won’t be a Raees as i am the only Raees” so our kid disturbed and decided he won’t count himself 3.7 billion times on srk’s b’day anymore. Btw wel come back @hrithik love to see you back.
@sky : Thanks buddy !!! I was away from Indicine during month of Ramzaan. Now I am back !!!!!!!
@skys the limit, @tiger, @sid justice, @hrithik We are having too much fun n the icing on top of the cake are our 2 jokers in the pack- ‘sachin11’ and ‘bulli’- plus our mentor is ‘anand babu’… Its nice to see lungi folk taking cover in Paglapur from the ongoing KICK storm n also its nice to see that jadoo wannabe alien ‘nipin senior’ also sweat abit after his manipulative review of Kick…. Im loving the combined effort in combatting them and our team work puts the Indian cricket team to shame…! keep fighting for our bhai jaan and lets not forget to having fun at their expense…! Good work
@sky hahahaha out beloved DCB aka “sss khan”- can he even count to 3.7 billion..,? Lol
He must get to 1234 and boom break into the lungi dance before starting his count all over again…
@sid aawww bless
If ever my lil brother betrays me n commuts blasphemy by wearing a lungi then I will disown him in a flash and I would be more than honourd to have you as my lil bhai…. we will have too much fun bro
i wonder if vinbar uncle has any other work or is this what this uncle teaches his kids?
But i dont think it wil cross 240 cr
@Navin bhai and our forever alone @sss khan is in a state of mental shock and hiding in some shouchalaya in Paglapur.. :P
Chennai express released with 3600 print and kick realeas 4500 print……. Chenai express ticket ptice around 150 to 200 in multiplex…. Kick ticket prise 220 to 250 in multiplex… Kick have 3 days weekend and 3 days eid Muslim croud….
@navin, thanks for adding me to the great team of @indicine.
salman is the king of hearts.
@aman mathur I teach my kids to never converse with losers who use fictional characters names as their ID- ppl who get a kick out of being for example ‘aman mathur’ should also try calling themselves ‘Lalit’ (thakurs character from Maya Memsaab) and see how much kick that gives them…!
Well it was said that KICK was going to KICK some butt and it sure did. Congrats to Salman and the whole team because he would tell you that everyone involved in making the film is what made it a success as he always give credit where credit is due