Gabbar Is Back Monday (Day 3) Box Office Collections

Gabbar Is Back has passed the Monday test with flying colours, even though it was yet another restricted (partial) holiday for the film. The drop in business from Sunday was just 55%, which is excellent.

The Akshay Kumar starrer has now collected Rs 46.2 crore in 4 days and could finish with first week business of around Rs 60 crore.

Check out the table below which has day-wise box office collections of Gabbar Is Back. Comparisons with other films coming up, stay tuned.

Gabbar Is BackBox Office CollectionsGrowth (+) / Drop (-)
Day 1 (Friday)13.05 crore-
Day 2 (Saturday)11.35 crore-13%
Day 3 (Sunday)15.05 crore+33%
Day 4 (Monday)7.1 crore-53%
Day 5 (Tuesday)5.3 crore-25%
Day 6 (Wednesday)4.78 crore-10%
Day 7 (Thursday)4.25 crore-11%
Day 8 (Friday)2.80 crore-34%
Day 9 (Saturday)4.20 crore+50%
Day 10 (Sunday)4.50 crore+7%
Day 11 (Monday)2.25 crore-50%
Day 12 (Tuesday)2.00 crore-11%
Day 13 (Wednesday)1.80 crore-10%
Day 14 (Thursday)1.65 crore-08%
Day 15 (Friday)0.70 crore-58%
Day 16 (Saturday)0.90 crore+29%
Day 17 (Sunday)1.15 crore+28%
Day 18 (Mon) to Day 21 (Thu)3 crore
Total Collections85.83 crore


  • Lol
    if BOI giving 7 then Obviously tarans collections would hve been 8 in any movie case . bt here 6.75 !

    Lochhhaaaa Haiiiiiii

  • @Nipun do u think anyone cares about ur reviews?u probably gave bang bang more stars than this but i couldnt even watch bb for 10 mins on tv,such a crap was that.And i wanna give 1 advice to u-dont watch and waste money on akki movies since u dont like them.

  • Nipun’s last 5 reviews

    baby – 2.5 / 5
    pk – 3.5 / 5
    action Jackson – 3 / 5
    dlkhs – 4 / 5
    bang bang – 1.5 / 5

  • Who is this nipun???????
    Why is he giving his mind less review?????
    He said jai ho b grade movie… has he lost his mind

    Little boy go and ask your bade bhai…who is salman…….

  • There is something natural force of interaction existing between the 60cr club and floppaki.but KJO SIR somehow will save floppaki’s career during has to do a strong come back with a at least good film,and these c grade wannabe social kinda movies will end your career soon.

    @htithik,even hr has highest collection in Independence day release,so we have to consider hr is a bigger star than never say like that.south remakes are after all south remakes that can rock the huge illiteracy population in I dia and will be. a big Fussssss in overseas until and unless it’ll be starred by THE KING.even KING KHAN’S SUPER HITS are collecting 205CR and salman’s bbs are collecting 125cr,140cr,158cr,170cr.that’s the difference between illiterate bhojpuris south copy paste non actor and THE GLOBAL MEGASTAR KING SRK.

  • Why did my review get dislikes?
    1. As I have given two stars to this film, all akkifans will dislike!
    2. Salman and ajayfans will dislike too as I have called Akki better than Salman and Ajay.

    @Hrithik: Did you read my review? I said that Akki is better than Salman(who usually don’t give good) and Ajay(whose masala films are even worse) in this “MASALA” genre. And why will I even ask Hro for doing such a flawed masala film to cross 60crores? Remember his intense and fairly well-made masala film Agneepath? Didn’t it cross 120 crores?

    @Dynamic: I don’t even care about care about idiots like you. Whole world cried? Lol..
    And you’re comparing this Gabbar with Lootera? It shows your real standrd.

  • Just 6 crs n indicine is saying that gobar passd the monday test with flying colours lol
    i think that actual collections r below 5crs

  • @Hritik
    also salman is not akki to give movies like omg, holiday, special 26, baby, gabbar is because these films require top class acting which salman don’t know. I think he should first take a acting class.
    Easiest way for sallu to learn acting ‘IIN’ after which sallu will say ”yahan koi kuch bhi sikh sakta hai”. Hahahaha….

  • @nipun…. normally i don’t read review by any person,cause it destroy the suspense and excitement of the movie..Just in case of Gabbar i read your review…..
    nice and brave…

  • This has happened first time in history Taran adarsh posting lower collections than BOI
    Corruption khatm kro boss warna Gabbar aajayega

    Monday business
    koimoi 7.25cr
    BOI 7cr

  • Haters are Making Akshay more and more famous gabbar has beaten the lifetime time business of deepika’s FF in just 2days and lifetime business ranbirkapoors & arjun kapoors last 2 movies in 4 days so Floppy G everybody knows who should work with whom to save his or her career

  • #GabbarIsBack is super-steady on Mon. Fri 13.05 cr, Sat 11.36 cr, Sun 15 cr, Mon 6.75 cr. Total: ? 46.16 cr. India biz.

  • Indicine is a very good website but the comment section takes it to an altogether different level!!

    Hilarious review by nipun followed by even more funny backslack! Laughing really hard!!!

  • @ indicine
    lost trust on u after seeing your Monday collection…. even boi nd koimoi r saying above 7crs…whom to believe???

  • lots of half holidays help the movie to gain more.the actual test will begin from tomorrow.

  • not on level of holiday..
    it is clearly seeing through numbers.
    even with partial holiday it collected less than monday numbers compared to holiday..
    so will not touch holiday mark definitely.
    i am looking figure similar to baby perhaps.

  • So my review has again created so much hype in the comment section.
    @shaheer: Thanks! I feel most of the sensible persons around here will like and enjoy my reviews. Looks like @gj007 has also enjoyed it.
    Review is nothing, but a personal opinion! God knows why some people overreact over it!

  • @shaggy:
    stop posting fake ratings.
    I had rated Action Jackson 0.5/5 (not 3).
    Baby 3/5 (not 2.5).

    And whatz dis dlksh? ?

  • @Pratush
    first u give ur board tests then cmnt here :P
    Akki Can give Huge collections without any Holiday nd so in the case of Gabbar as it is Also non Holiday Release !
    @ULTRON it’s 6.75 so u can’t say 6 crs , 7 Cr is more appropriate Figure closer to 6.75 !!!

    U can only bash Akki by giving Unrealistic cmnts .

  • I have watched 5 movies of 2015(I, Baby, badlapur,Avengers and Gabbar) among which two films belong to Akki.
    This sentence is enough to prove that I’m NOT a AKKI-HATER.

  • @nipun : Agneepath’s half of the collections came due to title and story line. no doubt, HR gave his performance but he is not a typical common man persona fighting social elements of society. He fits in something which is more glamorous and cool. Hope you agree ??

  • @sss : Who asked you to poke your nose?? that too with wrong facts. So according to you Agneepath was released on Independence Day ?? in which world ?? Paglapur where all dirty stinking lungis fly??? FYI… Independence record stand for ETT with 199 crs next is Singham Returns !!!! Go and check facts before poking.

  • @nipun : Agneepath was not about social drama it was a revenge drama. Unlike Jai Ho and Gabbar is Back, Agneepath lacks a theme of social and common issue !!!!!!!! So let HR do such movie and then you will see.

  • @Hrithik : I admit that Hro is not as good as Akki in this type of mass-oriented masala which contains loud dialogues,jokes and comedy. But He can definitely do intense masala films(Agneepath,Ghajini etc)!

    But even if Hro signs a social movie, I would want the film to be an intense and consistant one and not a loud and diverted one.

    Collections mostly depend on WOM in case of all films, not just Agneepath. BTW, A superstar can ensure a good opening and A good actor can ensure a good performance. Hro proved his both superstardom and Acting ability through Agneepath. But considering its huge opening, I still feel Agneepath had underperformed. May be it’s due to it’s high intensity!

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