Mauka Mauka

Mauka Mauka! Dedicated to all out visitors from Pakistan! Congrats India and well done Virat Kohli.

Enjoy the videos and here’s the World Cup Record of India against Pakistan.

1992: Won
1996: Won
1999: Won
2003: Won
2007: Won Twice
2011: Won
2012: Won
2014: Won
2015: Won
2016: Won

Bachchan proudly waves the National Flag

Bachchan proudly waves the National Flag

Sachin Sunny Amitabh Sehwag

Sachin Sunny Amitabh Sehwag

Selfie Sachin Amitabh ABhishek

Selfie Sachin Amitabh ABhishek



  • @Saks, india win against pakistan twice in t20 Worldcup, first in group stage, the match become tie and india win in bowlout. Second win in final, so indicine denote twice.

  • Congratulations to Team India & All Indians.

    @Indicine: Thanks for giving information about Baseless rumours of Senior Bachchan getting 3-4 Crore for Singing National Anthem.

  • Hahahaha.. though i did nt saw the match, but really??? Man!! our cricket team sucks, and you guys are happy like you have won from a world champion. The stupid illetrate peoples on both sides see pakVSindia match like a war, but ok cz they are stupid.. indicine??? seriously guys

  • Match was good but the Pakistan player was not so great. once upon time there was, Sachin vs Akhatar, lots of players are great from both the team. but i dont get that feel in this match.

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