Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar Acceptance Speech

After receiving 5 nominations, Leonardo DiCaprio has finally won the Oscars for Best Actor for his performance in ‘The Revenant’.

His Oscar Acceptance speech:

Thank you all so very much. Thank you to the Academy, thank you to all of you in this room. I have to congratulate the other incredible nominees this year. ‘The Revenant’ was the product of the tireless efforts of an unbelievable cast and crew. First off, to my brother in this endeavor, Mr. Tom Hardy. Tom, your talent on screen can only be surpassed by your friendship off screen… thank you for creating a transcendent cinematic experience. Thank you to everybody at Fox and New Regency.. my entire team. I have to thank everyone from the very onset of my career.. To my parents, none of this would be possible without you. And to my friends, I love you dearly, you know who you are.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

And lastly I just want to say this: Making ‘The Revenant’ was about man’s relationship to the natural world. A world that we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history. Our production needed to move to the southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow. Climate change is real, it is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people out there who would be most affected by this. For our children’s children, and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed. I thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted. Thank you so very much.



  • finally leonardo no-oscario holds the oscar.he is not that much great actor that some people think him of.he is just too lucky that he debuted by James Cameron and after that he offered one after another brilliant script,but his performance is weaker to the other competitors and this year too there was not any strong opponent in the league,so finally it went with him.he is just too lucky I can say by being offered great movies.still congrats to him.

    @rangil singh,what joke?he is beyond oscar,really?may be in your dreams.he is not even close to WILL SMITH’S master class natural ACTING skills and many more actors that hollywood has though he is lucky though like amir khan in bollywood,rofl.

  • Woww congrats sir for winning the biggest Film award. You truly deserve it. But Flop king Salman also deserve oscar for BB in Pluto lol ????

  • @1:08pm

    I disagree- infact I loved Damons cameo from Interstellar alot more for some reason but maybe thats bcoz I loved the movie way more than The Martian..!

    Im happy for Leo winning but totally gutted for Tom Hardy missing out- both made eachother look that much better…!

  • Funny how that for 2 decades whole of Hollywood claimed they would love to work with Queen but only Piggy Chops is getting the big break…!

  • Finally he got this,Congrats SIR
    Believe It or Not BUT there Are Lots of Similarities Between
    AAMIR & LEONARDO began their careers as child actors and went to to become two of the most acclaimed stars in the world.
    Both actors are known for their great choice of scripts.
    LEONARDO has cult classics like Titanic,The Aviator,The Departed,INCEPTION
    while Aamir has movies like SARFAROSH, Lagaan,TZP,RDB, 3 IDIOTS.
    When Leonardo Worked with best DIRECTORS like James CAMERON & NOLAN,
    HE DELIVERED huge blockbusters like
    Titanic & Inception.
    & when Aamir worked with RAJU SIR,
    he gave industry’s first 200 & 300 Cr. Movies.
    EVERY YEAR,Both have at least 1 nomination for their best acting.
    LEONARDO received 1 OSCAR & 1 BAFTA from 9 BAFTA & 6 ACADEMY Awards Nomination.
    AAMIR also received only 2 Filmfare Awards from 16 nominations.

  • @navi,but no oner is even asking and wants to know about our criminal takla lallu bhabijaan outside India,isn’t that’s an insult?thoughKING SRK rejected hollywood offeres unlike your takla bhabijaan is dreaming off,rofl.

  • My most favorite Hollywood actor. Definitely a class actor with conscientiousness and dedication. Loved him in TITANIC, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, THE SHUTTER ISLAND, and of course THE REVENANT.

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