The Song / Track listings of Hrithik Roshan’s keenly awaited Kites has unofficially been announced via Airtel Hello Tune Subscriptions and courtesy a member of Hrithik’s popular fan-site
Here is the full track list
1. Kites in the sky
2. Zindagi do pal Kii
3. Zindagi Do pal Kii – Remix
4. Dil kyun yeh mera
5. Dil kyun yeh mera – Remix
6. Fire – English Version
7. Tum Bhi Ho Wahi
8. Tum Bhi Ho Wahi – Remix
when is music releasing?? HEy indicine team..really u r dissapearing nowadays
yeah indicine… I agree with Sudeep…where have u guys been…i think there was no article posted since last so many days… hope things are working fine at ur end.
anyways…I’ve really loved the melody of “Zindagi dau pal ki” … a soothing melody after a long time…am really lookin forward to the Sound track.
Stay active guys :)
(I just posted this in the LSD review page … and I am posting it over here as well, as I really want Nauman to read this…I dont want to become a pain, otherwise I would’ve posted it on each page of this website.)
Dear Nauman,
with all the due respect dude … ever since you have started your own site…you have become such an irritating idiot … All of you know me… i never say anything bad about anyone… but nauman bro… you have really gone bizarre. I’ve been trying to hold myself back since long but cant do it any more.
I don’t know why Indicine is not updating on regular basis…but I know one this for sure and I want you and the others to know it as well…
The only reason i dont visit is that Nauman is a part of it. I dont like people who on achieving something, become a snob. So brother please change your attitude…otherwise abhi tau yeh baat sirf mein ney note ki hey…there will soon be a time, when a lot of people will start avoiding you.
ITS a brotherly advice … only if you can understand !!!
Since I announced my site on indicine the users of indicine divided into two parts.
1. Who praised me, supported me and gave me good suggestions
2. Who felt jealousy and thought how a simple guy like us can create a big site as a competitor of indicine.
So just let me know to whom you belongs?
Since i started i committed with indicine that we will work together. I will give a link of indicine in my site and they will do same thing on their site.
I don’t know what is wrong with indicine now a days and why they been jammed. But I am hopefull they will be back.
Tell me one thing when we can post any news and any link of that news then why not me? why not i can post any link of my site?
A last thing I want to say to you which is
After 20 differnt reviews out
After 50 short reviews in comment section out
After Friday on Saturday
If I will say to my 12 years old sister that read all reviews and read all comments and feed back and now write a review of that movie. I think she will write in a same way which you have in your reviews.
If you really have gets so please write a review on Thursday and before any other site or any other critic.
Ohhh Coool Indicine , So you again start screening on the name of my site.
what should i think about it?
It means you are reallu in secure with my site. that we can post any other sites name except my site.
I Really liked it.
thank u so much for proving my earlier statement right. If you happen to to remember the comments i used to give on your reviews and earlier on your website…you will know to which category do i belong. The one who praises you or is jealous about ur success. By the way your feeling that people are jealous with you is the funniest thing you have ever said. Listen dude … My life is not limited to reviews and people praising me… i have much more important stuff to do in this life.
One fine day I visited indicine and i liked the idea of sharing thoughts with others. over here i through i found some reasonable people and till the day you started thinking yourself to be the king of this world…you were on the top of that list.
As far as whether you or anyone likes my reviews or not … to tell you the truth buddy … I DAMN CARE about it.
My purpose was never to gather praise for myself … the purpose was to spend some time with my invisible friends. but sorry brother … this ain’t my cup of tea.
I would love to keep on arguing with you … but I dont want to beat my head against the wall … I don’t want myself to indulge in an endless debate with a person who believes himself to be the king of the world just because he has managed to become a part of a website…. tell you what dude…you dont have the slightest of ideas about my achievements in my life… which are far more than becoming a reviewer. Alhamdo Lillah … but i dont like to boost off myself…especially in front of snobs such as yourself.
THAT’S IT … THIS IS MY FINAL POST … EITHER ON INDICINE … OR ON BOLLYPLUS … and its only because of your stupid behavior Mr. Nauman … one last thing which I have to say … choti chot achievements key baad apnee auqaat mein rehna dunya ki sab say barree achievement hey. I know you will realize what i am saying somewhere in your life… but i hope you gain maturity and wisdom before losing too many friends and admirers just because of your immature self-presumed attitude.
GOOD BYE EVERYONE AT INDICINE… it was indeed extremely nice being a part of such a wonderful group of people … but not anymore.
@akhlaq vai y leaving!!…wt indicine done to u…!! dts nt a justified reason to leave indicine…come some time here nd post will be grt..