Sujoy Ghosh’s Kahaani opened to a good response at the box-office on Friday, as the film collected Rs 2.6 crores on Day 1. The total including preview shows on Thursday is Rs 3.3 crores.
Kahaani has performed best at multiplexes in bigger cities, especially in West Bengal (as the film is based in Kolkata). Content-wise, the Vidya Balan starrer has exceeded expectations and almost everyone who has seen it has liked it. It’s also the year’s most critically acclaimed film.
Due to the positive word-of-mouth, the Saturday morning shows were higher than Friday and the film is likely to 10 crores nett gross on Sunday.
Will it be yet another winner for Vidya Balan? Watch this space
weekend 12cr,total 35cr.
Vidya rocks
Film looks awesome good acting still waiting for london Ishq //
My Prediction
IF mixed
140crors in india
50 crors in overseas “10millions
Overall net 190 crors 2nd highest ever in Bollywood
gross 250 crors
If Good
180-190 crors in india
70 crors overseas
250-260 crors net overall
300 crors gross
2nd bollywood movie in 300 crors
still no2
If V Good like we expected
220-250 crors in india
100-150 crors overseas
Overall net 320-240 crors overall
gross worldwide 5,00 crors
Unbeatable well SRK is goind to break all the records even 3 idiots and SRK ki movie tu Hollywood ki tarha realese hoge according to Zoom Tv and Media then if v good mai b cross 1,000 crors see another All time Blockbuster.
SRK is going to break all the records and the film will do at least 250 gross worldwide and chance to cross 400 or 500 crors gross worldwide see i grantee it
Hey Kid ATA KHAN just keep expecting which never gonna happen btw here its about Kahaani.
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