Happy New Year Advance Booking Report

The advance booking of Happy New Year has opened all over the country. Majority of theatres have only started selling tickets of the film today, so plenty of tickets are currently on sale.

Even with a runtime of 3 hours, the Shahrukh Khan starrer has been allotted plenty of shows at multiplexes. The show count is about the same as Kick at most multiplexes, but higher than Singham Returns and Bang Bang. At a few multiplexes in Kolkata, where Shahrukh Khan is well and truly the king of the box office, Happy New Year will be running on all screens throughout the day. Just two shows are taken by two different Hollywood films at a multiplex.

The story in similar in other parts of the country too, Happy New Year will have absolutely no competition except in South India where two Tamil films have released today. But even in Tamilnadu, Happy New Year has been allotted a good numbers of shows, although advance booking at quite a few centres hasn’t begun here.

The opening is expected to be record-breaking in Andhra/Nizam (outstanding advance booking already), Delhi / NCR Region is off to a good start and even in Mumbai circuit tickets are selling quickly even though counters opened only today.

The increase in ticket prices varies from 5% to 15% higher as compared to Bang Bang, but prices are generally about the same as Kick.

Detailed advance booking report of Happy New Year will be out tomorrow. Box office prediction and much more later today! Stay tuned.



  • In Bollywood Aamir And In South Vijay..

    Nobody Can Match Them In Star Power.

    Always Give Bumper Opening.


  • good news..the theater near by my house has opened the booking today morning at 9 am nd till 12-30 pm 3 shows are already sold out each having capacity of 280 people.
    my brother didnt get the morning show tickets so he bought of evening show..

  • At the time of Salman bhai movie security is given to theatres to control d crowd. For

    #HNY Ambulance & Dr r been made avaliable at theatres

  • In south india advance booking of HNY is good in Hyderabad only while Kaththi is ruling in Bangalore and Chennai.

  • @arjun kapur plz dont comment on hny pages. This is veteron actor’s article. Dont compare ur overshadowed actors to be next srk, salman etc. Everybody knows u r posing fake love to srk fans to get support for flop youngistaan.
    As far as next srk is concerned , he will be the one who has done all kind of genres, has acting prowess and is versatile.

  • Happy New Year

    Day 1–40

    Day 2–35
    Day 3–38
    Day 4–16
    Day 5–15
    Day 6–14
    Day 7–13
    Day 8–14
    Day 9–15
    Day 10–17 ten days total—217cr remaining week 40 to 50cr In case of mixed wom only then think what if movie accepted…..

  • now surely hny is going to be huge disaster of 2014 everywhere from very first day.
    hny s lifetime collection will be just about 1 crore mark my word
    with disaster trailer , disaster songs and disaster promos , everything looking like disaster.
    what can I expect from hny
    how could one see the crap hny

  • Every body is thinking that storm is on its way as all were predicting before the release of the “bang Bang” and what happens it ll finish around 180CR Max !!!
    Now all eyes are on “Happy new Year”, every body is predicting huge figures but the point is whether it has the potential ?
    it should have two main ingredients to full fill the desired outcome.

    1-Charted buster music like (D3,Kick & CE). i am not impressed with a single song yet.
    2-Content )which looks same old heist drama, they ll plan a heist but Jacky ll took what they stolen and rest story is to take that thing back and revenge. (what is interesting ?)

    i think i ll not break the D3 record.

    Srk fans love you !!!

  • just hp dat the film entertains as much as mhn and oso.colections wl tk cr of itself.srkians cm .on,hv faith in god.haro to haro lekin ijjat mat uttaro

  • when PK teaser is releasing? no interest in HNY. PK will crush both Lallus Kick and Haklus HNY in each and every circuit.

  • Bang Bang Budget-140 cr
    Hny Budget-120 cr..Kick-95 cr..But ticket prices are same for Hny,kick..Why bang bang ticket prices are less than those movies??I am totally depress..
    With a big budget it also should deserve a solo release,high ticket price…If bang bang released on Eid,Diwali than it cross 250+cr..

  • that means hny release around 4500 screens in india. kick were released around 4300 screens. I think in overseas around 1000 screen. yesterday some srk fans bash with ajay fans over clash between jthj and sos. but 1 thing I want to tell srk fans in that clash ajay already won that battle.
    bcoz in this side (jthj) they were huge name like srk, Katrina, yash Chopra, yrf films. and in other side (SOS) were only one big name ajay devgn and still sos gives very tough competition..bcoz of this ajay won that battle.
    Srk fans tell me srk jthj was srk 10th diwali release. why movie not cross 150cr bcoz wom was mixed.
    despite clash SOS cross 100cr that’s Big achievement.
    some srk fans yesterday said movie cross 100cr bcoz of Salman guest appearance. sallu does cameo bcoz ajay and Sanjay very good and closed friends of him. but that doesn’t mean being sallu fan I gives credit to Salman. SOS works bcoz of only and only ajay devgn. ajay won that battle. it proves that ajay devgn is real king of Diwali.
    @indicine post this comment. I respect ajay. I can’t tolerate that some srk fans underestimating ajay sir.
    love u ajay, salman, aamir.

  • Ek Tha Tiger & Dhoom3 ‘s advance booking had created History whereas HNY’s advance booking Is extremely poor.

  • mark my words opening weekend will be in between 110 to 115.

    first week:: 160 to 190
    second week:: 40 to 70
    third week:: 10 to 25
    rest:: 5 to 10

    AVG CASE:: 245 CRRS



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