The verdict is clear, Drona has lost the much looked forward to Eid Box-office battle. As reported last night, the collections of the Goldie Behl directed film was much lower than expected.
The movie has done Rs 32 million (Net gross) worth of business on Thursday, with about 7.5 million (approx) from Mumbai.
On Friday collections showed no improvement, the morning and afternoon shows were poor. The word-out-mouth, so important for a movie after the intial release is clearly lacking.
The only hope for the Abhishek Bachchan movie, are the kids. If they take a liking for the film and the collections improve on Saturday and Sunday, the first week could be decent. Either way, given the huge budget, poor reports, negative reviews.. Drona should go the Tashan / Love Story 2050 way soon.
Abhishek is best with Rani – lets hope they make another movie together, this should save his career.
Dont tell me this, Abhi only suit with Rakhi sawant. this pair gone a rock bollywood soon,, ha ha ha ha
Abishek is rocking in Drona. And Drona would be superhit.
Abishek has done good good job. Drona would be superhit.
Amirani and Musliman: are you serious?! Drona has been declared a flop. And a flop is never a hit, let alone a superhit. Are you people mental or something?!
copying sequences of Mortal kombat or the matrix is not what you call a movie. its the producers who lost. all these bollywood ppl just watch good english movies and try to copy what they do. take the history of bollywood. raj kapoor imitating charlie chaplin…it started there. even the name of the industry “bollywood” itself is a copy of hollywood, where “real ” movies are made. lets just face it. we will never have the charm of those vetrans out there. what happened to our own aishwarya rai trying her luck in holly wood? “the last legion” in which she starred was a poor joke even for a “B” grade movie. how best can our idol amithab bachan perform if he have to act with denzel washington or johhnny depp. his “rishte main thumara baap….” is only good for inspiring villagers who havent seen the world. i am not saying its all a fake. there are artists like anupam kher (who always ends up doing stupid roles), naseruddin shah, om puri, shah rukh, ppl who knows how to act. rock on was an eye opener! but the audience wants song and dance, romance in the air and of course costly wedding costumes with tearful love stories. yeah, forgot to mention even a song sequence in the climax when the hero is battling for life…. hee he heee.. those who watch these…. GROW UP!
Bollywood will go down in history as a really fake industry.
It’s on its way of becoming a joke.
No one in North America takes Bollywood seriously.
I want to barf when I see those indian actress and actors at parties.
They think they are good……….but they are a joke.
Drona, which I saw last night……is a good drug for putting you to sleep.
It was the best sleep I had in a theatre. Afterwards we went for dinner.
All the best.
DRONA 2ndworst thing ever happend to ma life, it a co incident that 1st worst thing happened in same week with KARZZ of himesh,, abhishek grow up,, u think by making prank on sets,, showing urself confident than others on set will make for u,, but thats not the thing,, u hav to work hard for gud future in industry ..look at ur mate hrithic hu came wid u in industry where he is n whr u stand,, he work hard n take things seriously which concerend his work not like u showing urself cool u r big dumbo u making urself fool by duing this,, hope amitabh not ur father thn onli u might realize whr u actually stand and plzzz dont accept gud budget movie eva afta in future or these big loses u did in past for industry can lock industry foreva DUMBO,, get a life n hav jst gud sleep wid aishwarya thata the onli thing best hapnd to u afta amitabh rest u r jst scratch in front of personalities like hrithic sorry electifing dancer and awsm actor, akshay kumar srry king kumar, sharukh khan sorry king khan, salman khan srry most handsome guy in bollywood