The word of mouth isn’t too great, the critics have thrashed it, yet Kambakht Ishq has witnessed a historic opening at the box-office.
And the only man solely responsible for the historic opening is, Akshay Kumar. You cannot deny that. If there were any doubts about Akshay’s star power, its been cleared now. What’s surprising is, even though his last few films were terribly poor and low on quality, the audience continue to support his movies and watch him on screen. Star power at its very best!!
Now, with Kambakht Ishq having won the initial battle, which not many expected it to, can it beat the two biggies of last year; Shahrukh Khan’s Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and Aamir Khan’s Ghajini?
Beating Ghajini looks unlikely, but the 85 crore odd all India record of SRK’s Rab Ne.. looks well within reach, what with just the first day collections of Kambakht Ishq almost touching 9 crores!
So if KI doesn’t crash on Monday and does well over the next weekend, it could well be Akshay Kumar’s biggest hit ever.
What do you think, can Kambakht Ishq beat Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi?
yes kambakht ishq will beat rab ne bana di jodi because this movie rocks! another reason is that aksahy kumar is the true king of bollywood not that fag srk, also rnbdj is a stupid movie! i hope kambakht ishq will break ghajini record also!!!
well, i dont think it can beat the record held by RNBDJ, or even singh is kinng for that matter.
first of all, we dont even know if KI will beat the opening weekend record of RNBDJ. the weekend isn’t over yet ! so we need to wait and see. although it has done 9 crores on its first day, two more days can only add about another 14 crore at its best. more than not, it will probably be a lot less, as a good section of the audience did not like the film. but say it was to do 14 crore for arguments sake, in the reamaining 2 days of this weekend. that will give it a total of 23 crore, which is way below the weekend opening record of RNBDJ – 25 crore. so i can’t see KI beating the weekend record of RNBDJ.
also, look to see the collections drop heavily from monday, as word of mouth will go against the film. in which case it will struggle to pick up good collections over the week. and this will mean it wont beat the first week record of RNBDJ either. it definately wont beat the total box office collections of RNBDJ, thats for sure. i will be very surprised if it does.
so, i can’t see it beating any records of RNBDJ. the film is pretty useless to say the least.
it will be interesting to see what happens in the next few days though.
in the unlikely event it beats the records of RNBDJ, it will be good for akshay kumar, and it will be good for the public and the film industry. as akshay will strive to better himself and will be back in fierce competition with his rivals. which hopefully will result in better work from akshay, so the public will only benefit.
besides, new box office records are nice for a change !
100% it will reach that total,becouse this movie is 100% better than RNBJ this movie has evrything ,a compeete Masala intertanment .akshay and Kareena done wonderful is excelent.great locations.good story line ,i think some people want to show akshay down they are aginst him
i hope so
i realy sure that akki is the only true kinng of bollywood RNBJ IS NO near than khambhakt ishk is realy a very good movie
No it can never happen Because it is a bakwas film
KI is sure first block buster. and we all know that KI is better than RNBJ.KI is a compleete movie it has evrythin.some of haklu khan’s fans Jealous .and i am sure thet the huge opning of KI is a heart breking news for them .nothing will change with their stupid coments
100% Of course KI will beat the rnbj. I think the first week business will be 75 crore net. And Akki is the real and reel King of Bollywood. Akki is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes it can beat it b coz rab ne banade jode was bakwas
you people gotta be kiddin me.
this crap movie compare to Rab Ne….
thats a joke
all you people can say that crapshay is the king but that all you guys can say. The matter is people don’t just say that SRK is the king but the crown has been given to him and he will forever hold it so is you guys stupid face. he isn’t the kind of actor that make crap cheap movies like some people…..
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KI is just a crap movie and RNBJ is just great!!!!! I LOVE YOU SRK!!!!!!!!!
KI is not good with family and that dialogue writers are crap and akki is good and looks good too as usual. rab ne bana di jodi was good movie.KI could have been good movie by slight change.and it may have beaten ghajini too.
Beat who..!!! after 2-3 flop movies? Akshay will need 10 hits to beat such a movies like rbj & Ghajini..Can he? ehehehehehehehnot even his dreams.
Aamir & Srk can change a flop movie to hit…and we saw how,and Akshay need a long..long.long.way to be like them.
the opening 5 mts are enough to make anybody run away from the movie hall. they are so crass and abject that any normal person will not be able to stand the sudden demise of the directors brain.. somebody with the mind and brain of a dinosaur will surely like this movie ..a normal human XX XY chromosome pattern species should be able to despise it
you are wrong. akshay kumar also is an actor who can carry a film on his own shoulders. make a flop film into a hit film. like he as done with singh is kinng, and now kambakht ishq. the tremendous opening KI has taken at the box office, is due to akshays star power. so its not just aamir and shah rukh that can turn a flop script into a hit film. akshay can also. in fact, more so.
how many films have shah rukh and aamir carried on thier shoulders that were produced by snall banners ? none. akshay is the only actor that can carry a small banner film on his own shoulders and turn it into a superhit. thats why he was labelled king kumar.
however, he is ruining his career by doing too many of these shallow script films. there are only so many of these films he can carry, eventually they will catch up to him and ruin him. he should me more choosy and media savvy like shah rukh and aamir, if he wants to stay at the top.
I just hate that everytime some one like aamir , crapshay(akshay), or the unnecessary salman does a film and the reviews are out, there fans have to bring up Shahrukh name. Its so sad. When SRK said…”love me or hate me but you can’t ignore me” its so DAMN true. No matter what you guys have to bring up his name.
Its the same thing aamir crapshay and salman does. They always have to mention SRK name. They know the media will be interesting of if they mention SRK name because the media don’t care about them and is much love for Shahrukh
so you you haters can just keep hating and just go to hell.
No matter what SRk is the best and you haters know that so go to hell with your akshay and his crap senseless films that you people think is funny. SRK and his fans ROCKSSS
There is no comparision Between Kambakht Ishq and Rab ne bana di jodi Akshay Kambakht Ishq has already Beaten not only this but also he beats sharukh all movies what akshay takes to make a movie nobody gets. he is superstar.
fuck you bonita and all you srk lovers! yes, KI did beat the record of Rab na for the first weekend so just shut up and stop hateing on king kumar! he is the true king! the movie is great so stop giving the movie a bad review just because you dont like akshay! fucking idiots!!!
Its grossed over 24.5 crores over the first weekend compare to 23 crores of rab na!
Indicine team plz stop reporting false things, Do u know how much RNBDJ collected in INdia, It collected total of 33 crores in India.
Well I will rpove it to u, Plz stop talking trash,I will give the right info here it is:
Week 1 19,28,36,389 8,51,387 NA
Week 2 9,16,75,787 5,30,408 -52.46
Week 3 4,65,12,979 2,21,900 -49.26
Week 4 2,33,47,611 1,37,709 -49.80
Week 5 1,36,09,284 91,554 -41.71
Week 6 42,44,175 49,718 -68.81
Week 7 15,32,040 31,618 -63.90
Total Gross 37,37,58,265
Kambaqt Ishq has already collected 25 crores in this weekend, So it will easily beat Singh is Kinng, RNBDJ is no where is picture……………
yes yes yes yes yes.
well, the results are finally out.
KI has grossed 24.5 crore over the opening weekend. which is well below shah rukhs RNBDJ opening weekend record. in fact it is well below the opening weekend record held by singh is kinng also.
so, KI is the 4th biggest grosser in terms of the weekend opening business.
clearly it hasn’t beaten the record of RNBDJ, neither singh is kinng for that matter.
too bad.
Sachin rocki and spiderman is true
KI has gross 24.5 crs in this weekend but it will beat RNBJ for total gr
BOnita:U r seriously insult to bollywood industry..By u type of people name of famous actor is getting destory (not tht much) but still u have……U r the really one whom all this bollywood and we public hate.Stop speaking nonsense. AKKI is one who care flop script and made them hit
Yes it can and it will
No matter how many bad reviews people give this movie is truly rocking…
Saw it and want to see it again but cant get the tickets for this week
Its house full
Akshay and Kareena have worked brilliantly and the dialogs are so funny that i was in splits..
This Movie rox..
go watch it people!!
r u out of your minds lol ki is the biggest flop movie of the year coz it,s a copy of movie khushi n the same pussy fighting on it n as compare to RBDj is a superb movie a unique story in the bollywood movies pls don,t copare that shit movie ki to RBDj love u srk!!!!
Sudeep, you say Akshay is someone who converts a flop script into a hit movie, great.. Its indeed very difficult to turn a pathetic movie into a super-hit, blockbuster and all credit should go to Akshay.. But at the end of the day, dont we all want to see good movies? Is it all about the star alone?
Sachin Rocki.. Your figures are completely inaccurate and false.. What is your source? We will publish the week by week official figures of Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi shortly.. And for your information, Rab Ne grossed 42 crores in its first week alone and that’s more than your 7 week total!!
>Indicine Team: you guys are posting false stats, Rab ne only grossed about 23 crores over the first weekend. it seems like you guys are srk fans thats why you guys are trying to put akshay down! stop doing that, stop being bias idiots, stop hateing on akshay!
for your kind information KI Made 19 crore first day and 12 on 2nd day and 7 crore on 3rd day total 36 crore
Surely a great hit
Zeeshan, those are the worldwide gross (not net gross).. Our figures are box-office collections in India (net gross)
SRK is,SRK was,SRK will remain the king of bollywood 4ever….
Beat who..!!! after 2-3 flop movies? Akshay will need 10 hits to beat such a movies like rbj & Ghajini..Can he? ehehehehehehehnot even his dreams.
Aamir & Srk can change a flop movie to hit…and we saw how,and Akshay need a long..long.long.way to be like them.