Bollywood’s horror queen Bipasha Basu will make her TV debut with a new horror show titled ‘Darr Sabko Lagta Hain’. A show directed by her good friend Suparn Verma.
Talking about her small screen debut, Bipasha said “This is my first TV show. It is kind of a debut to me. We are going to try and scare you in the promos. We have different promos and for each promo, we have a different kind of a look. There is a promo which is like my day to day life, where I’d be listening to a script. And there is another promo where there is multiple me. Many of me, saying lots of things. It has been a fun experience and hope you guys enjoy it.”
While horror shows have been popular on Indian television, most of them have low production values and cliched storylines. Darr Sabko Lagta Hain promises to take horror to the next level on Indian Television.
The show goes on air from 31st October 2015.
Check out behind the scene visuals.
Very good..
Hope she is cast opposite emraan hashmi in Raaz 4.. They will make a spooky pair as emran is playing a vampire in Raaz 4… Anyways ,Azharuddin biopic on 13th may 2016 gonna rock…
All d best bipasha..
She herself looks Ghost
Who is she??
#Idiot She looks much better than Deepika !
‘Horror queen’ , lol !
@ indicine
make correction dar sabka nahi… sabko lagta he..
í ½í¸?í ½í¸?í ½í¸?í ½í¸?
Another attempt to save &TV after Sabse Shaana Kaun debacle !!!!!!!