The superstar of Bollywood, Aamir Khan feels the time has arrived to put his dream home into bricks. Like some of the biggest celebrities in Mumbai, Aamir too wishes to concrete his home in Bandra.
The actor wants to buy an empty plot or an old Bunglow and renovate it completely according to his ideas and taste. Quite obviously, the perfectionist that he is, expect the house to be nothing less than spectacular!
Sources say that he is keen on finding a plot around Sachin Tendulkar’s new house on Perry Cross Road. Incase he does not find a suitable plot in Bandra, Aamir is ready to freeze on a bunglow in Khar.
Aamir, who is busy with Talaash directed by Reema Kagti, currently owns a flat in Marina Apartments in Union Park. Buzz was that he wanted to buy a residential society. But the plan did not materialise and since 2008 the hunt for the perfect location is still on.