Sonnalli Seygall rehearsing for her first New Year’s Performance

While most Bollywood stars are holidaying at the moment, Sonnalli  Seygall of ‘Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2’ fame has different plans to celebrate this new year’s eve. It’ll be a working New Year as the actress will be performing on stage for the first time.

Sonnalli has released a video on Youtube gives her fans a sneak peek into her performance, which is scheduled to take place in Ahmedabad on Thursday night.

The video also has a message for her Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 co-star Sunny Nijar.



  • Leave it man.
    WATCH Akshay kumar’s performance tomorrow on guldawards & Feel d difference between him nd other bollywood stars . He will Rock like always. Can’t wait .

  • Dilwale has estimated cost of 100 crores and Bajirao Masatni is made at estimated 125 crores. The movies have a Average Verdict at Koimoi Indian Box Office Verdict page. The two may move to Plus verdict as recovery of costs is done by them.

    For Dilwale to be termed as Hit on Koimoi Page it has to cross Rs 200 crores at Indian Box Office and Bajirao Mastani will have to cross Rs 250 crores.With the trend in collections now with Dilwale already settled to lower collections and Bajirao Mastani maintaining fair numbers, the probability of reaching 200 crores or 250 crores looks out of question. Both movies may wrap with a PLUS verdict here.

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