A sessions court here Friday adjourned till July 24 further hearing in the 2002 hit-and-run case involving Bollywood actor Salman Khan.
The actor along with some of his family members attended the hearing in person as per the court’s earlier directives.
The court, which last month held that a case was made out to invoke the stringent Indian Penal Code Section 304 (III) against the actor, is expected to deliver its ruling in conducting a retrial.
The fresh charge under IPC Section 304 (III), which pertains to culpable homicide not amounting to murder, could attract a 10-year jail term.
Earlier, Salman Khan had been tried by a metropolitan magistrate under the less severe charges of IPC 304A, relating to rash and negligent driving which stipulated a maximum sentence of two years in prison.
However, the metropolitan magistrate, after examining 17 witnesses in the case, had invoked the more serious charge under Section 304 (III) of the IPC against the actor.
The court has two options before it: either to conduct a fresh trial or continue the existing case with the additional stringent charges. The court is expected to give its ruling on this at the next hearing.
During Friday’s hearing, Salman Khan was sitting in the visitors’ area, but was later summoned to stand in the box meant for accused.
One person was killed and four others were injured when a Land Cruiser allegedly driven by Salman Khan in an inebriated state ran over a group of footpath dwellers in Mumbai’s Bandra suburb in the early hours of Sep 28, 2002.
Hope he gets what he deserves!!!JAIL!!!Now salman fans don’t say he doesnt bcoz any killer does deserve that!!!What a role model ha ha ha !!!!
i hope the justice is done, the guilty shldnt b spared & the inocnt shldnt be punished.
hahahaha… Everybody knew that it will be adjourned. Indian laws are for poor helpless people not influential people. Had a common man committed this crime, he would have been hanged long time ago.
it seems all the earning of “dabba”,”ready”,”bg”,”ett” and “dabba2” is feeded to judges and higher authorities….but that day is not far when he ll be behind bars like sanju…bcoz jail is an appropriate place for a murderer like sallu…
what the hell always postponed release him to go
Wishful thinking from the haters and no doubt their frantic satanic like prayers/ offerings will keep them occupied until the 24th but as I said before there will just be more ‘Tareekh pe tareekh’ and so on and on…!
The man is innocent and calling an accident ‘homicide or murder’ a billion times loudly wont make it so.
Bhai roxXxXx and bhai jaan will beat the corrupt judicial system.
@beingxzonefan An appropriate place of permanent residency for you 2 ‘criminally insane sociopaths’ is a Mental institution…! :-)
As for bhai- well bhai belongs at the BoxOffice where he rules alone and SUPREME…! ;-)
Forget 10 years Salman khan will not even go to jail for 10 months.Government or BMC should do something for the people sleeping on footpath bcoz footpath is meant for walking not sleeping.Its their fault also and also streetlights r off most of the times which causes such accidents.
@xzone don’t try to become Judge now.Let the decision come first.U r saying as if u was the eye witness of that accident and sweeping roads there at the time of that accident.
whatever happens i want the result as soon as possible
tu finally bola…..yippie…..i m so happy!!!
coming back to the topic, it seems that u r very hapy on the fact that our country’s judiciary system is having some serious loopholes which is exploted by few criminal minded people to escape their punishment. now after having this kind of mentality, its highly ironical that u r reffering some1 as ‘criminally insane sociopaths’. hop u look at urself b4 putting any allegation on anyone…..nw i will expct u to come out with some foolish replies, hav a good one though which is at least worth laughing at……hav a gd day!!!
5 Days to Go………… Excited to See Result.
Haters keep barking i know your frustration of chennai passenger train going to flop.
He should be hanged till death.
Irrespective of films, I strongly believe the people who have wronged should do the time, whether it is SRK, Salman or the president herself!
FYI, SRK pays for his faults duly by not being able to attend Wankade. which is a fair trial.
And Salman for killing innosent indian, should atleast be made guilty for minimal charges. He shouldnt be allowed to live the life of a free bird at the expose of innocent men who were much less treated with wealth by god!
According to me regarding Salman Sir ,”Hi I’m Salman Khan & I donate millions 2 charity, yet no one cares, but as soon as I make a mistake,the whole world knows.” Epic Truth ..regarding this case , it just in the session court ,it will take atleast 15 yrs for final verrdict in supreme court..so worry at all .
Salman, now shoot your next film in the jail
Salman and salman fans ki JAI HO.
1. Did anyone thought why salman’s police bodyguard warned him?
2. Do u guys think salman is going through that footpath area for the first time?
3. Did u guys checked what happened to that police bodygard after the so called Accident?
Salman is under the influence of alcohol not under drugs. He is not completely out of his mind to be ignorant of his police bodyguard. IF SALMAN IS THE ONE WHO DROVE THE CAR THAT DAY THEN HE DEFINITELY DESERVE TO BE IN JAIL. And what can I say about salman fans, If salman drove over their parents body also they will support salman bcuz it’s their ego issue to support salman khan.
Salman fans are used to this, keeping brain at home while going to watching their beloved star movie such that now they forgot to use their brain properly
footpath is not meant fr sleeping bt footpath doesnt meant fr driving outlander too
He Should Go To Jail!
haters dont worry srk will never be #1 again. your wishes will never come true. Even Ranbir is giving a run for money for srk.
@outlander : your comments shows your upbringing n where u belongs to.
@Sachin Okay fine i believe u wen u say footpaths arent for sleeping but r footpaths made for driving ? Dumbass think before u write !
@Hrithik What ever he said is absolutely right? Accept the fact,if foothpath is not meant for sleeping,then foothpath is also not meant for driving too.But your foothpath star/foothpath hero will never understand this.
There are only 2 views at it. Was it DELIBERATE or an ACCIDENT? And the police and judiciary knows it was an ACCIDENT. There are 1000s of ACCIDENTS daily due to rash driving, negligence in driving, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, School buses, Transport Buses, Trucks, Cars, etc., but FEW DELIBERATE KILLINGS with planned modus operandi, done by heartless killers. These accidents are treated as accidents and not as deliberate attempt to murder. Most of the cases, people don’t care & get away with it. Many terrorists attacks happen and innocent people & kids die due to negligence in safety & security? who should be held responsible? Many poor people & beggars are compelled to sleep on footpaths & roadside resulting to more than 4000 deaths in India annually. Who is responsible?
Just because Salman is a celebrity, why so much a propaganda and hatred? Tomorrow it could be Shahrukh, Amir, Ranbir, You or me. No one knows whose death it could be through our driving. Our sympathy will be always be with the people who die and families who lose their loved ones.
But instead of seeing the Advantages of being a Star, one should see the disadvantages of a star and advantages of being killed in an accident by a Star. Stars have to handle more stress & tensions of Media, Police, Public, Image, etc., Plus spend so much amounts that one cannot imagine, let it be for Lawyers, Security, Corrupt system & officers AND MOST OF ALL, NEVER ENDING DEMANDS OF LARGE COMPENSATION BY the victims family. And yet until the judgement day many mediators make money liaisoning between Victim’s family and the STAR.
@SSK. Ur right, so many people get away with accident with luck but salman was unucky to be caught. Lets put in this way, suppose next time salman been caught with murder offense then he and his fans can claim that so many murders is happening annually and many murderers escape from it due to luck and lack of proof therefore salman shud be released. Well SSK, u have got to be kidding right? how can u thnk like this?
Nobody is sayng salman shud be jailed for murder offense. Everyone knows it was an accident and not intentional but I guess u didnt read the article properly, he was drunk and apart from that he was been warned by his police bodyguard. If a normal person was been caught with this particular situation then he would have been in jail a long time ago.
And yes there is possiblity that srk, Aamir, ranbir or even me and you may indulge in accident. To avoid that we shud not drive in drunken state. As u said if I have been drunk and neglected police bodyguard warning and bcuz of these reason I made an accident were 1 person died and 4 other ppl injured then if I am not a bad human being then I would have guilt feeling and regret immensely and won’t mind going to jail for few years bcuz I am guilty here, Am I right?
@soroop.. I know I am not intelligent as you, but Murdering and Accident are two different things. Murder is done with intention of revenge or with planned objective whereas Accident happens without any intention and by mistake. Of course, Salman should be punished and go through trial but not for CULPABLE HOMICIDE AS PER IPC 304 (III).
@Desii there r better public places to sleep than footpath like railway station,public parks,under flyover,sea shores etc or ur house bcoz u r very big heart person and u have sympathy for people like them so i m sure u can give some of them some space in ur big house forever.
see when salman was going thru bad phase in his career and doing cameo for srk films…srk fans used to say salman is innocent and now salman-srk seperated& salman is ruling box office suddenly every srk fan want to see him go to jail…but the fact srk or akki cant be a number 1 becoz aamir,ranbir and hritik r there….@xzone,outlander and all other dumb srk fans…srk used to be friend of salman….and if salman is criminal…so srk is criminal freind?
He is a famous actor but always think for justice. think like a justiceful person. no take the side of actor or superstar bcoz justice for everyone and pray the god so that judge take a good decision and everyone satisfied
srk is close frd of salman….if salman is criminal so does srk…..