Right Ya Wrong Movie Review

Right Ya Wrong marks the return of Sunny Deol, who was once the superstar of the masses. Most of his films were massy entertainers and the actor commanded a huge fan-following in the North and was equally popular all over the country. Wrong choice of scripts and favors for friends, as he himself admitted in an interview, has resulted in his stocks falling to an all-time low.

Right Ya Wrong is different from any Sunny films you have seen before. Its a sleek thriller directed by Neeraj Pathak, a writer turned director, who has written films like Pardes and Apne, in the past. Right Ya Wrong also stars the brilliant Irrfan Khan, the very talented Konkana Sen Sharma and the newly married Esha Koppikar.

The film is about two police officers, played by Sunny Deol and Irrfan Khan. In a shootout, Sunny gets injured, is confined to a wheel chair and wants his wife (played by Isha Koppikar) to kill him. Isha agrees to kill him, as she is involved in an illicit affair with her husband’s brother. Does Sunny know the secret? Is Irrfan really a friend?

What works for Right Ya Wrong

  • We wouldn’t really blame you if you haven’t heard about Right Ya Wrong, even though it was produced under a big banner (Subhash Ghai) . But with the publicity remaining low-key there is close to no expectations from the film. But Right Ya Wrong surprisingly turned out to be a great watch.
  • The film is an intelligent thriller, comparable to the likes of Johnny Gaddar. As the sequences unfold, the mystery and suspense gradually increase. At interval point your left wanting for more and the second half doesn’t disappoint, infact its better than the first. The climax is equally good.
  • The execution of the rather complicated script is close to perfect. On debut Neeraj Pathak proves to be a good story-teller, a director to watch out for.
  • The film never bores, you are constantly left guessing what could happen next and at a little over 2 hours in runtime, its neither too long nor too short.
  • The performances are top-notch. Sunny Deol gets it right after a long time, a very restrained performance by the actor. Konkana Sen Sharma gets it right once again. Esha Koppikar and others are good.
  • But the film belongs to Irrfan Khan, who plays a difficult character with ease. The actor is in splendid form throughout and proves yet again why he is considered one of the best actors in the country.

What doesn’t work for Right Ya Wrong.

  • Average music  (Monty) and background score.
  • A couple of repeated flashback scenes were unnecessary.
  • The poor marketing could result in the film going unnoticed at the box office, which would be sad.

Overall, we highly recommend you watch this and only in theater. Its one of the best thrillers to come out of Bollywood and inarguably the best film of the year so far.

Rating: ★★★★☆ Go book your tickets.



  • indicine nice review but again spelling mistake today, it is 2nd time movie name is “Right Yaaa Wrong”. you need to put 3 times A in middle word.
    movie looks like good , after a long time i can’t was a movie in cinema , So i missed a good thriller this time , so sad.
    But DVD will available tomorrow , let see how will be print.

  • @Indicine ..Thats a very nice review.Movie really looks good lots of appreciation has come from the ppl who have watched it till now.Movie has released in Pakistan but I won’t be able to go :( will watch it on the DVD.From promos however,movie didnt look dat promising.N music is also not dat gre8.These negatives will hurt Right Yaa Wrong.

    @Akhlaq Bahe ..Hope so u will watch it in DHA n post ur review.BTW I really couldn’t find out where you had asked me about MNIK.

  • I think this is the first time i missed a movie on Friday because of IPL. I will go and watch it tomorrow.

    We need to support these small but good movies :)

    And Sunny Deol is BACK!!!!!!

  • Indicine thanks for the Review….I thought My name is Khan is the best movie so far, sorry Shahrukh Fans :) this movie is not playing in Montreal, so will watch it on dvd this weekend.

  • arre sunny deol ka movie kaun dekhtah hai yaar hamesha chilla tha rah tha hai ….
    ye dhaai kilo ka haath agar kisi pe pada tho aadmi ut tha nahi ud jatha hai !!!
    yaaaaa!!! haaaaaaa !!!! huhuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh !!!!
    saala dialogue nahi boltha chillatha hai ………..
    saale ko hero kaun banaya yaar pehle usko maarna hai !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    uska baap alg hi hai “” kuthe main tera kuun pijaunga !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    “” in kutthonke saamne math naachna basanthi””

  • Hope these kind of movie should cater more and more people….i need dis kind of movies too , not just masala movies…otherwise who will take risk for a sure shot flop

  • Great review..just came back after watchin right ya wrong…i am glad indicine took out time to watch it..
    Its an amazin..a pleasant surprise and very entertainin..

    Go for it ….my rating:3.5/5

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