Review: 3G Neil Nitin Mukesh, Sonal Chauhan

3G Review by Indicine Critic Joginder Tuteja

An idea that didn’t culminate into a product that could have justified the core germ of it all – this is what 3G turns out to be. Unfortunate, but true. With all film’s USP being the genre which

belonged to the world of psychological horror thriller, 3G turns out to be a film that is a mish-mash of affairs whoch just doesn’t succeed in pulling it off. Disappointing, because it could actually have covered a good distance.

The promos have made it clear that the film has calls from an unknown number disturbing the Fijian holiday of Neil and Sonal. It is also clear that the couple, which is very much in love, starts seeing their relationship impacted in a big way due to turn of events that no one could see coming. However in the middle of it all, there is a ‘3G enabled phone’ that starts playing it’s dirty tricks.

Why is the phone behaving in a certain way? What’s the story behind it all? Is there a past connection between the phone and the couple? Why is the phone not leaving their side even though they try to dispose it off a multiple instances? Is there something deeper and far more sinister happening in the background? Is it just a matter of past or would the current as well as future state of the protagonists get impacted by the mayhem being caused by this phone? One can be sure that it is these very questions that would have made the writers and the director duo rub their hands with excitement as they went about putting together the film. However what one gets in the end is a core plot that is not just unbelievable but also very unconvincingly told.

3G3G Movie Review

Ok, agreed that in a film with horror and supernatural at the core of it, one can’t (and for that matter shouldn’t) hunt for logic. However the bare minimum requirement is to still see a story unfold in front of your eyes which at least can be comprehended. In case of 3G though, just about everything is filled into the narrative which results in so much of complication that it is tough to digest what was being offered on the platter.

(Spoilers ahead) So what one gets to see are scarred faces, hypnotism, blood, murder and talks about bhoot, aatma and pret, something that goes with the territory. While these elements by themselves are hardly the kind that keep you glued to the seats, it is the innovation factor that ends up being a spoiler. Yes, the makers did intend to stretch themselves and push the envelope, for which they do deserve credit. However the technological aspect of forming a ‘connection’ with the aatma, the flashback that ensues, the passing of phone from one hand to another, the bad omen that continues and then to top it all, the porn angle, is what ends up bewildering you. Frankly, if that by itself was the core of it all, it just doesn’t come across well. Sad, because the same writer duo had done so well in bringing to fore the ragging angle in Table No. 21!

What does work to some extent are a few moments that do jolt you. The intrigue created in the first half, when Neil starts going through a character transformation, is interesting. That too is more due to a good act by Neil than the intended twists that start becoming repetitive after a while. In fact Neil does go through a volte face towards the latte part of the film as well, though that does’t quite escalate the graph of the film much. As an eye candy, Sonal Chauhan does well too. In fact she is an absolute stunner, especially in the first half of the film when skin show, kisses and love making is in abundance.

Technically too the film scores well on cinematography as well as the background score. Surprisingly though, the songs, which do sound good in isolation, are totally forced into the proceedings, especially a couple of numbers in the second half. A complete no-no! Moreover, just when one had thought that the film would tie it all well towards the last 30-45 minutes, the frequent juggling from one character artist to another leaves you a tad exasperated. At last count, there were a dozen odd people with whom Neil and Sonal interact with, each of them only puzzling the viewer more and more with every passing minute.

Though the film ends on a note that could have left the room open for a sequel, one doesn’t quite see a 4G in the making soon.

Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Do post your reviews of 3G in the comments section below.


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