Reason behind Jiah Khan’s Suicide

The Mumbai police have revealed exactly what transpired between Jiah Khan and her boyfriend Sooraj Pancholi (son of actor Aditya Pancholi) between June 1st and her death on June 3rd at around 11:30PM.

  • June 1st Early morning: Jiah Khan leaves for Hyderabad to audition for a Tamil film. However, she is turned down and the casting directors tell her she is too under-weight for the role
  • June 1st 7PM: Jiah returns to Mumbai. Sources said she was upset and told her mother that her career in the film industry was going nowhere and she was contemplating becoming an interior designer
  • June 1st 9PM: Jiah goes to her boyfriend Sooraj Pancholi’s residence at Gandhigram Road in Juhu, Vile Parle (West). She stays at his house for the night and the following day
  • June 2nd 7PM: Jiah and Sooraj have dinner at a Juhu-based five-star hotel, following which he drops her home at Sagar Sangeet building in Juhu

June 3rd 2013: On the day Jiah Khan hung herself to death

  • Morning: Jiah and Sooraj exchange several calls and text messages. Police said at least 10 calls, each lasting for over two minutes, are made between the couple, apart from seven to eight text messages
  • 7pm: Jiah tells Sooraj over the phone that she has bagged roles in three films
  • 8.45pm: Sooraj sends a congratulatory bouquet to her residence, which is delivered by his help Deva
  • 9pm: After Sooraj does not respond to her calls, Jiah sends him a text message: “Why are you so cold?” Sooraj replies saying he is busy with work. Jiah then expresses suspicion that he is dating another woman, to which Sooraj replies that she is misunderstanding him. The police on Tuesday said that the woman who Jiah suspected is Sooraj’s jeweller.
  • 9.15pm: Jiah goes to the watchman of her building, gives him the bouquet asking him to throw it, and returns to her apartment
  • 9.30pm: Jiah goes to Sooraj’s residence and calls him from outside, but he does not answer. She then calls Deva, who says Sooraj is busy as he is talking to his father, actor Aditya Pancholi
  • 9.50pm: Jiah returns to her apartment
  • 10.53pm: Jiah calls Sooraj and has a two-minute-long conversation with him
  • 11.07pm: She messages him saying if things continue the way they are, she will return to London
  • Between 11.07pm and 11.22pm: Sooraj sends Jiah three messages requesting her to call him, but she does not respond.
  • 11.23pm: Jiah’s mother Rabea returns home and finds her hanging from the ceiling fan in her bedroom.

Source: PTI



  • If that was the real reason behind Jiah Khan’s death, then I feel she has only herself to blame. Just because her boyfriend didn’t return her call, she decided to take such an extreme step?

    Its difficult to understand what a person is going through, unless you are in their own shoes, but this comes across as an incredibly stupid way to end her precious life.

    Life is not all about career, money and success. There is more to it. Everyone faces rejection at some point in life.

  • @Rohit. Person’s brain works upside down when they going through bad phase. They become very vulnerable, even slight ignorance hurt them immensely. Normally, every one thinks in a proper way but once they confront worse situation then they won’t be able to control their emotion. I am sure at one point, even Jiah Khan would have had thought in similar way as us when she heard about many suicide cases.
    From the above article I can assume that she had huge trust on her BF and she is completely depended on him as emotion is concerned. May be she got afraid of loosing him which in turn led to her death. I think she might have thought of suicide few times earlier and changed her mind later. This time if she have taken little more time to think, would have sometime changed her mind for sure

  • all evidence above indicates she did not commit suicide. a person contemplating suicide does not talk about the future. it should be investigated as a murder.

    if somebody from this realm didn’t murder her
    then there is a possibility that a psychopath spirit momentarily possessed her and did her in

  • @ Rohit, u are right, we also face lot of rejections in both professional and personal life, that should not be the reason for comitting sucide.

    Imagine, what pain the family of Kingfisher Airlines and Shardha Group Employees are going through.

  • i also thinks that this is no reason to end the life.
    but there is a strong appeal of Murder if the above was the reason.

  • no.. her boyfriend was not the reason at all! no woman would end her life for what’s mentioned above.. she was depressed as she found herself as a failure, and that she won’t be in the limelight as she used to dream maybe.. end of her career.. I assume that’s the main reason behind the suicide.

  • I don’t think so ,the actresses in bollywood would commit suicide for such a silly reason.

    She must be murdered by someone close to her.
    And offcourse, our indian police are so great that they close the case before investigation.

    Is there anyone who can explain me that how much cases in police records are categorised in suicide and murdered??

    The number cases registered as a suicide is much more greater than murdered ones becoz indian police never wants to do any work…

    In the above conversation ,there is not a single word that shows she had a any plan to commit suicide .Also in above line she messaged her BF ” if things continue the way they are, she will return to London”.that shows that she wanted to vanish that relationship and wants to live a new life.

    Moreover, if someone think she is depressed becoz of career that was also wrong.In out of her three films two wre superhit in theatres .

    So her career was superb and now at the moment on the basis of above converastion”Jiah tells Sooraj over the phone that she has bagged roles in three films”

    This shows that her career was not ruined ,she was still getting a offer from bollywood.

    So calling her loser and depressed person is absolutely incorrect.

    Atlast she had not placed any suicide not ,which clearly shows ,she wanted to live life but a evil person hang her..

  • Any person does not have the right to take her own life or life of another person because life belongs to the Almighty .

  • She was ( murdered ) and framed to be hangged

    First reason among soo many other hidden reasons her text msgs don’t indicate in any even suspicios way that she will committe suicide

  • @ soroop very nicely said man….im also going through same sort of situation….broken hearted…very low on confidence…even a small niggle hurts me immensely…i can completely understand what she would have been going through…n at her age most of the people are quiet introvert…u never know what is going in the mind…the reason mentioned above seems to be very small but i am sure there was a bigger picture to it which only jiah…

  • @rohit and others who believe its a murdered they are absolutely right. I dnt have alot to say, but nafisa can never hang her self someone must have killed her and frame as if she hang her self so that no further investigation shld be made. Jiah was murdered. Every 1 have to believe on that weather he/she lyk it or not.

  • what i feel dat this particular story is not true i think there is something more to add here , i mean how one cn commit suicide if someone is not pickin his r her calls, i mean yes ppl gt disturbed whn dey callin again n again to d person who is so important to them n feel lyk talkin to dem , its tym whn dey realli need dem nd at tat tym if dt person is not pickin up d call n givin a big ignore…one usually gt disturbed by this but suicide its too extreme!!
    ” mahesh bhatt to media saying dat jiah khan ws goin through the split personality disorder as she got one film whch anurag basu ws directing but later it didnt workout as she ws not performing well n cnt act properly in d shoot said mahesh bhatt “. d main conclusion ws she ws depressed n mentally she ws not stable…n ppl who r goin through ol this need more love to over come frm this unstabilty . work n love two aspects wch connects to d person emotional breakdown if d person is fit by his wrk den sometimes love is not the priority to his r her life as he r she only thinks abut his career. mny a times whn career is goin in bad phase den ure love is d only one wch supports u in evry wy to resist the emotional breakdown …bt in her case i think both love n career ws in bad phase n das y she felt doin dat thng..still i believe one hv to be patient to be stabalize in evry way nd it ws d moment n her negative thots whch took her !! rest in peace jiah khan, u gone too young.

  • Dera Nagpal…
    if urs aastha channel is over then i would lyk to say something ..
    She was not committed suicide ,she was murdered.
    No person can commit suicide for such kind of silly reason.
    Her career was not ruined ,as per the above conversation ,she bagged three movies dear.
    And for mahesh bhatt,He is the person who is totally out of this world.
    Jiah had never worked in her entire bollywood career with Mahesh Bhatt then how could he spoke such kind of lines for her.
    so whatever he said is fully nonsese.
    No sense at all in his words.

    If such line was spoken by her BF then the matter is somehiow different bt for mahesh bhatt ###

  • what about vidya bharati. They said she commited sucide and that is how d case ended. Every one knw divya was murder as jiah was murdered too

  • I can totally understand what jiah was going through that compelled her to take this step….i m also going through d same emotion of heart break but i think dat suicide is not d only solution…

  • It so clear with the above convo b/w jiya and soraj that jiha was fine n there was not a slightest of hint that she was thinking of a sucide.
    This case should be investigated again there is alot much to add.
    It’s very nuch possible that that someone has mudured her n they are someone close to her.
    She was depressed but this was no reason for sucide.

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