Pics: Aishwarya Rai has put on lots of weight!

The soon to be mommy Aishwarya Rai made us happy again. Last week she was seen at a pooja with the Dutt’s and at a Durga pooja pandal. This time around, we spotted her again making a public appearance though she is eight months pregnant. The Bachchan’s – Amitabh, Jaya and Aishwarya were spotted at Shri Hanuman Chalisa Launch album launch on Sunday.

The music of the album has been composed by Aadesh Srivastav and sung by 20 playback singers of Bollywood. Big B has lent his voice too!

Have a look at the pics below where Jaya Bachchan is accompanied with Aishwarya Rai who looks simple yet beautiful carrying the pregnancy glow on her face. She has put on a lot of weight too.


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