Kapoor & Sons Dialogues

With less than two days to go for the release of Kapoor & Sons, the makers of the film have released 3 new dialogue promos.

In the first promo, Arjun (Sidharth) and Tia (Alia) are meeting each for the first time. It’s a funny scene in the film, where Arjun says he has fought with his ‘bhai’ and Tia mistakes it for his ‘bai’!

In the second dialogue promo, Rahul (Fawad) meets Tia (Alia). It’s a light moment in the film once again, as Rahul talks about his weird childhood habit.

In the third one, Dadu (Rishi Kapoor) is chilling out in the hospital.

Kapoor & Sons releases in theatres on 18th March.

Watch the dialogue promos from the film.



  • Oh that’s hilarious
    Mujhe khoon ki ultiya horhi haii dekh k ..too funny .

    Jokes apart ,it’s promos nd songs are good . Promising.

  • Why is Alia doing such $@#$% films? Shandaar was a disaster and if this too tanks it will be difficult for her career….cuz she has just started and two back to back flops will hurt her. She has good talent and just doing these over-done over-glossed romcoms will not do her any good.

  • Indicine’s favourite film of the year is arriving .. Indicine has promoted it so much… Plus it has future ‘megastar’ sid who knows ‘Acting’ very well.. Lets see if it can manage a better opening than ‘Raja Natwarlal ‘ with Alia, Fawad, Extravagant dharma prductions and the not-so-intelligent but ohhh-so-awww rom-com genre ….

  • Indicine’s favourite film of the year is arriving .. Indicine has promoted it so much… Plus it has future ‘megastar’ sid who knows ‘Acting’ very well.. Lets see if it can manage a better opening than ‘Raja Natwarlal ‘ with Alia, Fawad, Extravagant dharma prductions and the not-so-intelligent but ohhh-so-awww rom-com genre !

  • Same routine formulaic over-done rom-com with lots of floss and gloss… It will be a ‘bad’ film but still it will get 4 stars from indicine..

  • Kapoor and sons will flop at box office.. Log ye sadi hui ghisi piti movie dekhegi ki match dekhege… .. Expecting honest review frm Indicine..not the usual 4 star review for there fav non-actor sid..

    Ki and Ka will also be disaster as it is the same boring rom-com…

  • Lets see of anyone of these movie Kapoor and sons , Ki and Ka with big heroines, banners and supporting actors match the opening figure of Raja Natwarlal , Hak or Ghanchakkar… Arjun kapoor and sid are mecca of acting and they r megastars of gen-next *according to indicine* . So this much opening will be cakewalk with Alia , Fawad and Kareena at helm with them… Lets see

  • Movies of same genre are releasing in span of 2 weeks kapur n sons , ki n ka. Both have the following similarities –

    1) arjun and sid both poor non-actors.
    2) Kareena and Alia both are superior to them in terms of acting and stardom.
    3) both rom-coms.
    4) both have copied songs from Punjabi rappers like Badshah n yoyo to fool the public.
    5) both have on-screen vulgarity n kisses but they r promoting them as family film.

  • Note to Alia –

    Run………as fast as you can from this KJO…….you have already thanked him for all his help and blah blah…..but if you want to sustain……..run baby run……..you gotta take that decision……no matter how hard…….cuz you have talent, and don’t waste it…….Salaam thoko aur niklo !!!!

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