Gauri Khan on Surfaces Reporter Magazine Cover

Shahrukh Khan’s wife Gauri Khan is featured on the cover of Surfaces Reporter for the month of March 2015. The magazine covers her ‘Design store’ in Mumbai and quotes her as saying “When a profession is born out of passion, designs take a new dimension’.

Gauri, along with Shahrukh, launched ‘The Design Cell’ in Mumbai, last year.

Gauri Khan on Surfaces Reporter Magazine Cover

Gauri Khan on Surfaces Reporter Magazine Cover

Gauri Khan Surfaces Reporter Magazine scan

Gauri Khan Surfaces Reporter Magazine scan



  • @JS – ETT is not a masla film ???? It doesn’t fit into the so called definition of masala but certainly its commercial in every aspect with salamans fav genre ACTION…According to you may be JAI HO is also a non masla

  • @JS
    I dont think that you need to know grammar rules to be cinema lover…..and salman acting was tere naam was ok(He could act properly only once remember that performance and be happy for rest of your life…..Ranveer in Ram leela was better than salman in tere naam)…..but comparing it with srk …No yar think yourself about your comment…You will realize soon that you did blunder….
    Yar koi @Navin ko be jawab de do bechara gadhe ki tara comment kia ja raha ha aur koi be lift nai kara raha…..Agar Akki bhai @Navin ko dekh lete tou zaror kehte “Kyu thak raha ha”

  • Oh guys please stop calling SRK as the Hottest Man Ever Live as it will be a sheer insult of Johnny Depp , Brad Pitt , Robert Pattinson , George Clooney , Chris Hemsworth , etc…….

  • @navin,ha ha ha ha ha…..ROFL…..yeah really you’re too much funnier than even a’re that type person who after failed to claim an allegation and with out clarifying that single fact you suddenly jumps to other allegation ,so that you could avoid the former one and so can the start the later one to prolong the discussions further.did you know what people calls such persons ,loser! Who don’t even try to prove right at least one allegation that you everytime put upon your opponents.try another way to escape besides face me time to time that your allegations boomeranged you again again and tends you to write 2-3 more garbage

    @js,really ett is not a masla film?ha ha?OK leave OK tell me what is MHN,CE,DON,DON2,HNY ?all are successful action movies.but yeah the difference is your bhai uses rope fights heavily in films and while OUR KING shows realistic fight scenes.for example DON2 is still the best action movie in India till now.while in ett,your bhai used body doubles to show some realistic fights,otherwise see the standard of his other masala movies,just ROFL.yeah KING KHAN is best in romance ,so could you kindly inform me what was theast film that salman got at least hit in a movie containing only romance with out a single action scene,with out multiactor from 1990-2014.answer is none.don’t say hahk is a pure romantic movie as it is totally a family entertainer just like K3G which is also not a pure romantic movie.look KING KHAN gave so much hits in action genre.but where there is not single hit of bhai in romance sad.basically KING KHAN acted in all genre and gave hits.dude kindly see here naam climax again,where salman used to cry that seems like he is neither it is a good acted movie nor a bo basically what you want to speak the man who gave CLASSICS like JTHJ,DDLJ,MNIK,CDI,SWADES and won FILMFARE 14 TIMES shouldn’t have any fans and a non actor should have fans! Why? Because you genius and master in English said so,that’s why?if HIS films are overacted,then there is no movie remained in this earth which could be watchable by you,’re trying to degrade THE BEST IN ACTING which you know very well that you couldn’t do nor can do any day.

    You should remember the man with you’re discussing with is an Engineer.who made pointed out 5-6 times spell mistakes of your English genius lime @navin,@tiger and many more such bhojpuri fellows,so don’t do this mistakes can’t hide THE TRUTH by pointing my grammer mistakes who could teach your entire generation of whole community what exactly English is! Got it?


  • ETT was not a remake or Masala Genre – 199 crs which is more than Srk ambitious movie RA.One. Even in worldwide collections ETT ahead of RatoonPoint One !!!!!!! lol tight $l@p on @sss illiterate !!!!!!!!

  • @navin,ha ha ha ha ha…..ROFL…..yeah really you’re too much funnier than even a’re that type person who after failed to claim an allegation and with out clarifying that single fact you suddenly jumps to other allegation ,so that you could avoid the former one and so can the start the later one to prolong the discussions further.did you know what people calls such persons ,loser! Who don’t even try to prove right at least one allegation that you everytime put upon your opponents.try another way to escape besides face me time to time that your allegations boomeranged you again again and tends you to write 2-3 more garbage

    @js,really ett is not a masla film?ha ha?OK leave OK tell me what is MHN,CE,DON,DON2,HNY ?all are successful action movies.but yeah the difference is your bhai uses rope fights heavily in films and while OUR KING shows realistic fight scenes.for example DON2 is still the best action movie in India till now.while in ett,your bhai used body doubles to show some realistic fights,otherwise see the standard of his other masala movies,just ROFL.yeah KING KHAN is best in romance ,so could you kindly inform me what was theast film that salman got at least hit in a movie containing only romance with out a single action scene,with out multiactor from 1990-2014.answer is none.don’t say hahk is a pure romantic movie as it is totally a family entertainer just like K3G which is also not a pure romantic movie.look KING KHAN gave so much hits in action genre.but where there is not single hit of bhai in romance sad.basically KING KHAN acted in all genre and gave hits.dude kindly see here naam climax again,where salman used to cry that seems like he is neither it is a good acted movie nor a bo basically what you want to speak the man who gave CLASSICS like JTHJ,DDLJ,MNIK,CDI,SWADES and won FILMFARE 14 TIMES shouldn’t have any fans and a non actor should have fans! Why? Because you genius and master in English said so,that’s why?if HIS films are overacted,then there is no movie remained in this earth which could be watchable by you,’re trying to degrade THE BEST IN ACTING which you know very well that you couldn’t do nor can do any day.

    You should remember the man with you’re discussing with is an Engineer.who made pointed out 5-6 times spell mistakes of your English genius lime @navin,@tiger and many more such bhojpuri fellows,so don’t do this mistakes can’t hide THE TRUTH by pointing my grammer mistakes who could teach your entire generation of whole community what exactly English is! Got it?


  • @sss ‘Best in acting’ LOL. What can be expected from an illiterate fan like you. According to you overacting by Srk is great acting rofl. Don 2 was a pathetic and boring film for illiterates who haven’t seen Hollywood films. Filmfare Award makers fool illiterate people like you, they can be easily bought. SRK cannot even do action scenes, he has a weak fragile body with glass bones. Even during shooting HNY he was injured by a door LOL. I too am an engineer and I think you bought your engineering degree just like Srk buys awards. Like actor like fan. LOL

  • @JS – DON 2 is pathetic and boring yet it trended very well and much better than your Bhais ETT and DABBANG 2…lol…Do you know SRK has done the plain stunt and highriser stunt in DON and DON 2 all by himself….while your Bhaijaan has given up doing action or stunts by himself and uses bodt double…lol

  • @sss @undertaker well said broes.
    HHH telling Undertaker bro.Isn’t it gr8???@undertaker wht abt undertaker going 2 fight bray at wrestlemania after 21-1??

  • @12:03am + 10:28am

    Indicine are you trying your best to torture your readership….

    Any reason for why you felt that insanity needed posting again…?

  • Dear Complan Boy uff Hyderabadi Engineering Genius- so you want to teach english to us along with manipulative mathematics n fake history aswell as Engineering… Well thanks for the offer but I rather take my chances of going it alone if thats quite alright with you so take your educational classes n stick them where @sht comes from….

  • @hrithik,if ett is not a masla movie then that is a KING KHAN’S MADE YRF’S movie ,why depended upon YRF and Katrina?OK if so then HNY is also not a masala movie and it’s collection is far higher than your ett, reverse tight slap on bhojpuri illiterate @hrithik’s

    @js,so what you trying to say people in the world are interested to see 3rd grade bhojpuri kind of movies made by our bhaijaan?ry you’re an engineer?I have doubt really engineers are fans of salman,lol.I am an NITIAN and working in iocl,Hyderabad.BTW from which bhojpuri engg. university you had stolen your degree certificate? Lol.

    @navin,why are you torturing indicine members being the biggest insane commenting only garbage by giving some attachable worstly imaginative mockery names to insult others.but actually it hurts you from tour deep inner side as others hardly bother about your comment and skip all the time.give thanks to me English genius who even dare to reply to your insanely written garbage craps.hats off to those who till now let you to comment here from so long time.really hats off to them.

  • @hrithik
    Its better not to discuss stars ambitious projects because there was also a movie named “VEER”

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