The second day business of English Vinglish has once again proved that ‘content is the absolute king’ at the box office. After a slow start on Friday, business picked up across India on Saturday.
The film that marked the return of Sridevi after a 15 year hiatus, collected Rs 4.5 crores on Day 2, more than doubling it’s first day business of Rs 2.2 crores.
English Vinglish joins other critically acclaimed films like Barfi, Vicky Donor, Kahaani and OMG! Oh My God – all of which carried strong word-of-mouth and showed significant growth in business on Saturday (Day 2).
Overseas too the film has performed well, collecting approximately 2.25 crores, taking it’s 2 day worldwide total to around 9 crores.
Excellent movie. There is some moment which bring tears in eye. Wow sridebi. Welcome back.
It was a very nice movie, sridevi is awesome
sridevi is the best actor i have ever seen, pan indian superstar, she should be applauded for being smart and picking a smart movie that also with a new director otherwise she could of comeback in yashraj or joher banner or her husband’s production. this is just for hindi version, tamil and telugu will be even more.
Boring crap. Wait for jthj, it would collect 9 crores in just 1 hour. Srk rules!
Awesome movie its brillent.
nothing in front of EK THA TIGER
Nvs bro i didnt expect dis typ of comment 4m u.i thought u r a itteligent bt..dnt knw wat 2 say..
EXCELLENT MOVIE SUPERB ACTING BY SRIDEVI SOME MOMENTS IN MOVIE BRING U TEARS AND LAST SPEECH EVERY ONE IN THEATER CLAPPING ..WOW BEST MOVIE SREE HAS CHOSEN ..not a bhabhi role in yash movie..or dance crap movie like madhuri ..she has done 200% justice to that role one can play that role like her THIS MOVIE WILL COLLECT 50 CRORES..ANDS REE WILL GET NATIONAL BEST ACTRESS ..FOR 2012..
how about the acting of sridevi…..? please
Three good movies in row barfi,omg,ev!
i really like siridevi but i shoked when i saw her on screen realy she——————– amazing i cant explain her acting clos to reality love u dear and welcome back
Well…..hearing only good thngs abt EV….bt all this good word of mouth is’nt reflecting in collections..!!!
@imitiazLVZu. Buddy i did not comment at 3:24. Some srk fan (p/s/m/h) has made that comment pretending like a salman fan. I havent watched EV as yet, but the critics reviews and w-o-m is positive so i may watch it later.
don’t worry, the movie has limited release, it will still do well, saturday was 100% jump, sunday wud be bigger.
i knew it when Sri is dre…movie ld be damn damn one thing is now loud and clear…Sri was far far better than Madh…is far better than every other actress…..
plus time has decided who was better Sri or Madh?????
however , at some point in awards M adh was preferred like Madh got filmfare award for DTPH….inspite of Sri in Judaii or tabu in viraasat…..
they were always biased…. but never mind….
one more thing Madh come back was dud ANL….(no doubts she is good too…but ll always come after Sri)
excellent movie even better than ek tha tiger
please ask the producers of ek tha tiger to convert it in 3D………..It will again set history at the box office………………Best Movie Of the century………….What an action scenes.Omg……..Ultimate breath taking…………Salman khan is the king of acting,romance,comedy …………………….He is unbeatable……………….Dabangg 2 is waiting desperately,please make sure that u have strengthened the youtube that it won’t get any harm when Dabangg 2’s trailer releases……..i wouldn’t be surprised if youtube gets blast……….
it is 4 times that i see this awesome movie on big screen, wow outstanding movie
i know sridevi will be come give the best actress award 2012 after 15 years,,love o srideviiiiiiiii
ur always succeed
sridevi film can never b good she is the reasin why mona died she doesnt carry good blessings of public
sridevi is super star of bolleywod ,sri ur won