The winner of the De Dana Dan contest was to be announced on December 18th 2009, but the final verdict of the film wasn’t clear then.
Now, with the film running on few single screens, the final box office verdict is Above Average.
Few got it right and after a lucky draw of sorts, we have a winner – Rohit Singhal
Congrats Rohit, hope you like the film and the DVD, which comes with the bonus Gale Lag Ja song.
Note – The winner gets the De Dana Dan DVD and will be e-mailed for his Contact Number and Address. Incase he fails to respond within 72 hours, another winner will be picked.
Indicine which company is launching dvd of ddd.i hope ll be cheap for u lol
congrats to the winner… this atrocious movie just escaped from getting the tag of flop by a whisker..just goes to show that people do not see movie by star value alone.. its the content that matters.. u cannot get away by making 50 people jump all over the place and expect success out of it.. it is a sound verdict to the makers of such cheap and jaahil cinema
megha, its not jaahil cinema its callede entertainment, girl
Entertainment? LOL! I would anyday prefer going to a local circus for that kind of entertainment why to spend 300 bucks on some crap sh*t that Akshay kumar has been feeding us with… in the name of senseless entertaiment???
Someone was saying here that these days movies work only duing weekends. Go have a look at 3 idiots…
Sorry. Congrats Rohit
Congrates rohit,u got gale lag ja….:-)
sure…that kinda entertainment won dear rohit a prize…..i should ve won a prize for predicting the outcome of dulha mil gaya also…
Congrat Yaar, but tell me why are u predicted De dana dan as a above average instead of Super hit? So now u are d culprit, who made our film average not hit. And our next release is all on ur shoulder, predict it as a Blockbuster if not Rohit….main bata nahi…….Joking. Congratulation n pls share the Gale lag jaa with me, pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls.
Congratzzz Rohit Singhal, you’ve received the song that I’ve been waiting on – Gale Lahg Ja! Do all fans, like you, a favour and share this song with the world on youtube! Please and Thank You = )
for once i have to agree wid Megha. #
sorry Akki fans dis film was awful. i went to watch it on Eid and i was bitterly disappointed