M Cream Reviews by Critics

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M Cream Review by The Times Of India

Rating: ★★☆☆☆

Debutant director Agneya Singh takes an uncanny approach in his depiction of the Indian middle class. Instead of glorifying them, he unravels their flawed side. These youngsters are from affluent families, lacking a sense of purpose. They are losing their bodies and soul to alcohol and drugs. At its basic premise, the plot has promise. But its slim screenplay fails to delve better into the psyche of these youngsters, making the characters caricaturish.

M Cream Review by Indiaglitz

Rating: ★½☆☆☆

The story on papers, looks good and has lots of layers attached to it. Few scenes between Ira and Imaad are enriching. Also, the scenes involving the arguments related to revolutions are worth a watch. The cinematography is great and all the locations of the Himalayas were breath-taking.Imaad Shah reminds you of young Naseeruddin Shah. Ira Dubey looks sweet. Aurita Ghosh and Raaghav Chanana looks great and are fine in their respective parts.

M Cream Review by Rohit Vats on Hindustan Times

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Director Agneya Singh is ambitious like most debutants. He wants to present his side on so many things: Drugs, politics, literature, alcohol, love, sex, freedom and revolution. He mostly speaks through Shah’s Fig, a guy with a mop of hair and a love for poetry. He loves to quote authors and can differentiate between Vikram Seth, Rabindranath Tagore and Jimmy Hendrix. It’s been a while we saw a well read Indian youth on screen.

M Cream Review by Devarsi Ghosh on India Today

Rating: ½☆☆☆☆

The saving grace of the film is its cinematography, music, and well, Imaad Shah. Thank heavens, the film looks good, if not anything else. Cinematographer Mingjue Hu is a talent to watch out for. So is the music ensemble of Srijan Mahajan, Arsh Sharma and Nikhil Malik whose brilliant soundtrack did not deserve this film. Finally, Imaad Shah. The young lad fits the role of Figs to the T. If good acting is something where you cannot see the effort, something which convinces you about the reality of the character, then Imaad Shah is fantastic in M Cream. Nothing else matters.

Review by Aastha Atray Banan on Mid-Day India

Rating: ★★★½☆

Director Agneya Singh had earlier told us that through the film, he wants to address the new youth of India, which has an opinion and wants to voice it. He has managed to do that with M Cream with characters that believe in different things — Jay who wants to change the world and Figs who wants it to burn down. Dubey and Shah are adept at what they do. But it’s Shah who really steals the show. The character seems to be an extension of his real self, and you will have newfound respect for him. All in all, a fun, unusual watch for the weekend.

Review by IANS on Indian Express

Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

The script written Agneya Singh is an impassive, meandering narrative with verbose expositions that discuss; freedom, revolution, faith etc… The film is crafted like a soapbox lecture and you keep wondering where the narrative will lead to, till you realise that this is a slice of life film.

Review by Manisha Lakhe on Nowrunning

Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

‘This film is about drugs and alcohol, but it will be in ‘art’ space.’ The moment that is decided, then you also know the fate of the four protagonists of the film whose stories are so hysterically mundane, you find yourself napping. Napping, opening eyes, finding nothing has really happened, napping, opening eyes, discovering empty coffee cup in your hand cannot keep you awake. And there’s plenty to keep you awake: poetry, sex, views of the Himalayas. The film fails here too.

Review by Kunal Guha on Mumbai Mirror

Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

Having acquired a censor certificate from CBFC’s previous administration, this cinematic blot takes pride in managing to release the international version in India. But save a few close shots of lovemaking, where the act is furnished with just enough to suggest much, there’s little that would’ve raised objection. When Imaad Shah squints, he reveals a fleeting glimpse of his legendary thespian dad. Sadly, he knows this and does just that — once in every scene. Ira Dubey’s restrained performance is tolerable but fails to change this film’s fate.

Review by Vishal Verma on Glamsham

Rating: ★½☆☆☆

Imaad Shah is cool and it’s a pleasure to find a well read youth quoting from Tagore to Seth and remains a care free dude who rebels without a cause. Ira Dubey is fine, Auritra Ghosh is okay, Raaghav Chanana is passable. Other cast Tom Alter, Lushin Dubey, Tenzin Woeser, Barry John and Beatrice Ordeix are fine. Beyond some festival recognition for being an indie M CREAM at the most can put a fleeting smile to the hip-hop junkies for the rest the ‘Doors’ remain close.

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